Friday, December 10, 2004


Yes, I am back, but only temporarily. I may or may not be at home very soon, where there is NO INTERNET!!! :-( How on earth will I cope?! Well of course I would not leave you with nothing to ponder on in my absence, so I will leave you with this thought: everyone called Bill is in fact a pigeon! I know, I was amazed when I found out too, but I assure you it is true.
While at home and watching Strictly Come Dancing and noticing that I remember some of the steps from my brief 1st-year Latin and Ballroom days, I decided that I would very much like to go again. So if there is anyone out there who wants to come with me tell me please, and all will be fabulous. The reason I dropped out in the first year was because I kept having to dance with smelly horrible men and random girls, so I don't want to go back without someone to go with. So there.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Santa hats and tinsel and cheesy music!

Today I am recovering from a weekend of much clarinetting, much fast food (oh my god I've just realised I've had a McDonald's hamburger, a KFC and a Pizza Hut pizza in the space of two days :-P but only because I've had nowhere else to get food from) and much Christmasiness. It has left me all warm and glowing, despite not being pregnant.
I only have one morning of labs tomorrow then my work for this term is finished! It's so nice to be able to relax now - in fact I don't think I've relaxed at all this term really, there are always forms I haven't filled in and people I've put off calling and stuff. It's not like I've not had time to do these things but you will probably know I'm a putter-offer. And Christmas is coming too!
I am all alone in the house at the minute because Alex has gone home and Ciaran and Phil are at conference in Leicester (without me, sob) but it's not all bad. I'm not sure why but it's quite relaxing to have the whole house to myself for a couple of days, although it will be nice when they come back tonight - I miss them greatly and it is the only thing that will fill this dreadful hole in my heart. I am rocking backwards and forwards as I write this (I got myself out of that one well didn't I ;-)). But being here with lots of time on my hands has driven me to memorise the Llama song (see link below). Expect to hear it frequently on walks back from Bows in the future.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Amusement #2

Yes I am bored.



Monday, November 22, 2004

Froggy frog frog FROG!

I have just been playing with frogs! They are my friends. We got some eggs from a bucket containing a biiig she-frog and fertilised them and watched them divide into embryos. But we aren't allowed to let them grow into frogs because it's against Home Office regulations, the spoilsports. Hehe the frog was very ugly and had tiny eyes compared to its body size, and it kept trying to jump out of the bucket. But I would like to publically thank Mrs Frogworth for the kind donation of many, many eggs today - she worked hard in the name of science. And will probably die in the name of science :-( we will remember her! I'm tired now, so to Xananas I go for drinks with gay people followed by Wind Orchestra cheese!

Sunday, November 21, 2004

The badgers did it

I'm back from the Weekend of Fun, twas fabulous naturally and Sarah McLachlan was tres tres bon and sparkly things were plentiful and Helen and Bev were there. Hurray hurray. We found no Orlando Bloom (except in Troy, which I have just realised is "Tory" if you mistype it hohoho) and no badgers, but Red Leicester cheese graced us with its presence, which was nice.

Tomorrow is the start of the week of playing with frogs. I've just read the manual and it says "we will also remove testes from several males to provide sperm." I'm assuming they mean frog males, not human males. That would be fun. Actually removing frog testes will not be fun. I'm sure they make us do this stuff just so they can laugh on the sidelines - previous experiments have included pulling live maggots apart while watching their internal organs spill out under the microscope, and completely opening up live locusts, pinning their outer layers down so they stay open and watching them try to jump while open. Which sometimes worked. I suppose if I was a locust one of the things I would miss most when faced with death would be jumping, so I would try and get as much in as possible before I was passed on to the locust deity in the sky. Ah animal guts, how I will miss them.

Beddibyes now, need to be ready for a week of full-time labs. Yaaay(!)

Thursday, November 18, 2004

I am craving cheese

Red Leicester cheese. Mmmmm I would love a Red Leicester toastie right now. I haven't bought proper cheese for a while though because it is fattening and bad and I need to be more healthy. I have a new-found podge (well newish, it's several months old I think) which I am not liking and I put it down to eating what I feel like eating more often, and eating on campus more often - what's going on with the complete lack of anything remotely healthy for off-campusers except in South Central, which is only open till 3 and only on weekdays?! Also my not joining any exercise-related societies this year like I was going to probably hasn't helped.
I am considering swapping to Warwick Blogs - I have been browsing the site recently and the whole Warwick community thing looks rather jolly. Although... I don't know how easy it is to change the template etc - I've had enough trouble with this one - just look at the colour of my site description! It's a nasty coral colour! Also there may be implications with the URL and whether I can change it to a new blog. Will have to consult Philbertina.
Ooh the Sarah McLachlan weekend of fun tomorrow! We are going to hunt down Orlando Bloom (well, hope he comes to the concert) and try sparkly things on in Monsoon with no intention of buying them and do generally fabulous stuff! But first I must finish my essay and hand it in before 2pm tomorrow. Incidentally did you know Sonic hedgehog is a gene/protein involved in the anteroposterior (thumb - little finger) development of the vertebrate limb? It is true! Am I not the most knowledgable person you know?
I had a dream about cats and the Coliseum and ghosts. I think maybe it was The Grudge-inspired. Which, if you haven't seen it, is The Ring with no plot.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Hurrah for Top B and Christmas cheese!

Yes, I just got back from Top Banana. It was better than I thought it would be. I was a little stressed because of my essay (I have to hand it in on Friday and I have made very little progress) so I thought maybe I wouldn't enjoy it, but in the end I did. Maybe the obvious thing to do in that situation would be to avoid going and work instead, but hey it worked. It's strange how that happens, when I'm not in the mood to go out I end up enjoying it and when I am, I usually don't. It helped me to take my mind off things. Yay for that.
Oh and also I had a good Wind Orchestra rehearsal - we did a competition yesterday so the music's been serious until now, but all we have left is the Christmas concert (Friday Week 9, Leamington Town Hall, 7:30pm, you know you want to) so today's music was all Christmas cheese. Also Pirates of the Caribbean, which is also tres bon - download download download! Or buy buy buy depending on where your loyalties lie. That rhymes, hmmm. I would be a poet, if I was any good at writing poems, but I'm not.
I really don't know why I bother writing a blog - it clearly hasn't been read for many a day and the only people who occasionally read it live with me, so I already tell them anything of importance that crops up here. Well I'm not going to stop writing anyway, it gives me something to do when I'm bored/avoiding work. My lip hurts. I ran out of Rizla papers in the second half of today's Wind Orch rehearsal so I had no lip protection. Mneh. Nighty night xxx

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Update: My social life

As you might have guessed, I have thrown caution to the wind and decided to go to Bows tonight after all. BUT I will not be drinking alcohol, oh no, I will be staying downstairs with a diet coke, so don't even think about suggesting that I come upstairs to dance - I will not be best pleased. I will be very, very sober. Actually I may just be quite sober, I can drink what alcohol I have here before I go out. But still not enough to dance. This is all part of my plan to save, save, save. I worked out I have to live on £30 a week for four weeks! But even less than that, other things like Christmas/birthday presents need to be taken into account. Oh and also I still won't be going to Nightingales. The only place I will be spending money on alcohol will be the Coliseum. Isn't the third year reduced loan fabulous?
I have had a very productive day (discounting my lecture-skiving :-S let's just gloss over that shall we). I did several things I've been putting off for a while. Hoorah and hooray. I am going to be a Science and Engineering Ambassador in schools, if I remember to fill in the application form. It sounds tres tres bon. Oh and I phoned the Open Schools Programme about working in a school for a day for experience, and they said the nearest place they could give me was Hinckley! This is 12 miles away in Leicestershire. Not good. Far away. I'll have to spend yet more money on trains. The PGCE application form costs about £12/13 to fill in and send, such a cheek - how much do they want teachers, really?! Everything costs loads of money at the minute.
Fooooooooooooooooooooooooood! Bye.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


It's getting cold now isn't it, as the old lady at the Sainsbury's bus stop commented. I went to Sainsbury's after my Sausage Factory meeting this morning and they had a plethora (I've never really understood what that word means) of goodies on sale because their use by date was today. I got very excited as you can imagine, and bought a lovely chargrilled chicken and bacon pizza for £1.50, half price! Wahey. The day is looking up already. Actually I have just realised just how much my trip to Sainsbury's resembled an old lady's trip to Sainsbury's. I banter-ed with the delicatessen lady, and the checkout lady, and then I bought a poppy on the way out while banter-ing with the war veteran man. Then at the bus stop I banter-ed with the old lady I mentioned above. Is banter a verb? Who knows? I know I can't be bothered to look.
Why are trains so damn expensive? I need to book three trains, one Cov - London Euston, one London King's Cross - Cambridge, and one Cambridge - Cov, for my weekend of super-duperness with Sarah McLachlan on Helen's birthday, and altogether it'll cost me about £40! That's just travelling, then I'll have to pay £30-ish for the concert ticket. Mneh. I really need a job now. As a result I will try my very very hardest not to go to Bows or Nightingales this week, or next week for that matter. Hmm how shall I do that... I may ask my dad to take me home this weekend, then I will be free of temptation and might get a bit of free food too. Interesting.
Time for pre-huuuuuuuuuge clarinetting sleep.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Go me

I got my essay back today - I got a high IIi! Aren't I good? Maybe my tutor isn't such a bitch after all. Oh and also I did an assessed presentation thing and it went ok, I didn't manage to tell my tutor that I didn't read a paper that was assigned to me because it looked too hard for me to bother with, like I did last time, and I got my loan! So today has been generally good. Although looking at the glaring whiteness of this screen isn't helping my headache much, but then the other options are sleep (not tired) and read, watch tv or work, which will all do nothing to rid me of this crippling, excruciating, pounding pain in my left eye. Ok I've been moaning too much lately haven't I? So I'm going to put my headache to the back of my mind and write about something else...
Right, time for Blog Ideas I think...
"What is something scientists need to invent?"
it says. Well, I came up with this idea while struggling to cope with a tricky page-turn during a Wind Orchestra rehearsal a few months ago - the Electronic Music Stand Thing(TM).
Ever missed out on an all-important passage while trying to turn pages during a windy outdoor concert? Ever successfully turned a music page only for it to blow onto the floor because of excessive air conditioning/someone removing it and putting it on the floor/a racoon? Ever tried to play in a tropical hurricane? You need Electronic Music Stand Thing(TM)! Electronic Music Stand Thing(TM) is a computer-monitor-thing displaying a double page of sheet music - no more paper blowing off stands (excuse the innuendo). When you need a page turn, Electronic Music Stand Thing(TM) will detect where you are in the music in time to change the page for you! It even comes with its own adjustable stand for the taller or shorter musician, and is self-illuminating for those dark, dark concert halls/outdoor gazebo thingies. Electronic Music Stand Thing(TM) comes in a range of colours and sizes to suit all tastes. Electronic Music Stand Thing(TM): buy it NOW!
I believe Electronic Music Stand Thing(TM) is the future - someone will steal the idea and it'll be in the shops soon. Or at least it would if anyone in a position to use the idea read my blog.
You will notice a new poll (if I managed to think of an idea for one, which I will have done, as I am super). Musings on Mice has probably been forgotten or not seen by some people, so the present polls aren't really appropriate. Therefore I have decided to create a new poll every couple of weeks. Voila.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

I'm bad

Ok ok, I was bad and went to town today to buy a gold Glitterbug, but my thinking is I've got Christmas and other types of parties to go to, and if I waited till Christmas Day I would only get to use it on New Year's Eve. Now that would be a waste, wouldn't it? So yes, I gave in to temptation and used all the Lush testers I could get my hands on, then bought the glitteriest of gold Glitterbugs for the bargain price of £2.95 or something with two free soap samples thrown in - one smells of badger wee, but the other smells of lemons and all things lovely. Lush is the best place ever.
I'm thinking of having a slight image overhaul, although one which doesn't involve buying new clothes as I can't afford to - any suggestions on what I should wear more of/ask for for Christmas/wear less of? I'm thinking more accessories, maybe from cheap places like H&M, to enhance my pre-existing wardrobe and make me look vaguely super-duper. And I intend to grovel to my mum and dad and see if one of them will consider buying me a dark green velvet jacket. But yes, the thinking is accessorise, accessorise, accessorise and less ill-fitting clothes from my not-quite-so-podgy days. Some of you may say less glitter and sequins too but to that I say no. No no no.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

FROGS! frogggggs...zzzzzzzzzzzzz

- a summary of this afteroon's lecture.
I went to bed relatively early last night in an effort to rid myself of a slightly annoying headache. Then I woke up at 3am with the evillest, most scream-worthy of headaches. It took me ages to get back to sleep - I had to leave my head with the right side of my face against the pillow (so to speak) and keep my fingers pressed against the top of my nose, and even that didn't work so I had to take some paracetamol. Which is bad, as I think I have taken paracetamol three days in a row now. Pity me! It's still there a bit but I've got used to it.
I went to Lush when I was at home last weekend, and guess what? They have a new Glitterbug!
You know, the sparkly soap stuff I have probably attacked you with at some point? They brought out pink and blue ones last year, but now they have a gold one too! I may just have to put it on my Christmas list. I'll have to try hard not to buy it for myself before then, but I'm not sure I have enough willpower. Thinking about it, I think I'll use my Glitterbug for Bows tonight. With my hair glitter. And maybe a glittery top. Yay.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

It's touch and go my friends

I think I might be dying. Yes, I know everyone is dying really as we'll all die one day but I feel too hot and shivery at the same time, and I keep getting headaches. If I didn't know better I'd say I've just eaten too much, but I do know better and these symptoms don't come from not eating too much. Even though I have eaten too much. I better not have been poisoned by evil bacteria. Damn bacteria. They are pointless and small and uninteresting and downright rude. When did I say they could live on my skin and in my mouth and in my small intestine? It's a good job my stomach acid's there to kill most of them off. Never trust a microbiologist. I can say that now, my options as far as possible don't involve the study of bacteria, so I'm not linked in any way to microbiology. Ish. Oh and never trust an academic who studies frog embryos for fun. They are always bitches.
Well, what a fun day I've had - I had a meeting from 10-11am and decided to stay on campus till 3:30pm for clarinet choir. In my wanderings around campus between work I had to endure the Cheerleaders' "Sponsored Annoyathon" every time I passed the Piazza. According to a leaflet I found in Rococco, they're cheerleading 9am-9pm today to raise money so they can become champions of one competition thing or another. Let's just hope it rains heavily between now and 9pm.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Help me, Blog Ideas!

Now I know I want to blog, but I can't think of what to blog about. I've just looked at the Blog Ideas site for, erm, blog ideas, and it says to talk about TV shows I never miss. As if you don't know already. Well, here they are...
1. Knightmare - well I would never miss it if I had access to it over here, especially for the stunning graphics ("state of the art" according to the ntl guide), the goblins and their lethal dance and of course Pickle with all his elfy prancing. Actually I just found this page of what the Knightmare actors looked like in everyday life - it is quite surprising - just look at Lord Fear! He looks silly with a beard! And I am liking Treguard's lovely red jumper fashion.
2. Most Haunted - I mainly watch this for Derek. The best episode was I think in the Jamaica Inn, where he threw a lamp at one of the crew during one of his "possessions". Dawn French was very good at being him in French and Saunders on Friday. But I suppose you have to be a viewer to appreciate me rambling on like this.
3. Harry Hill's TV Burp
4. Shooting Stars
5. Neeeeighbours - For the theme tune obviously, and for the Susan/Tom the priest storyline. I'm still very impressed by my telepathy that day ("Susan, I'm leaving the priesthood!").
6. Father Ted - Particularly the plastic cow sketch: "Ok one more time. These cows are small. The ones outside are far away." etc. Hohoho.
I'm getting tired now and I have the feeling I'm rambling on and not being very interesting at all, so I'll be off. My lip hurts. From too much clarinetting, before you think of (I'm sure hilarious) innuendos. Ow.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Pre-dinner post

I finished my essay! It wasn't very good quality but at least I finished it, and although it wasn't brilliant it was acceptable and verging on good I think. I really should learn to work harder, sooner, and maybe I won't have these mad panics to try and meet a deadline finishing up with a mediocre piece of work. Mneh. Anyway, I think I worked hard enough over the past day to earn a magazine when I go shopping tonight. Hurray! I'm free!
My keyboard is covered in glitter at the minute, and my printer, and my jeans that I dumped down by my printer the other day. I think it was from Thursday night when I applied glitter spray to my hair three times. And to my computer, and my printer, and the jeans next to my printer :-). Am I bothered about the sparkliness of my room? If you need to ask me that question you don't know me at all. I am very tired but things like glittery keyboards and the lack of essays and the thought of a lovely dinner when I am hungry enough to really appreciate it have put me in a good mood today. Oh and I went to get PGCE info from Westwood today - it took me about half an hour to find any form of civilisation there but in the end I got it - and I've been meaning to do that for weeks so it's satisfying to know that my essay wasn't the only form of productiveness that came out of today.
Well my dinner's ready now so I'm off to eat. It will be Co-op chicken with lime and coriander with a jacket potato. Said chicken product is fabulous. You don't even have to cook it! Oh and also, go and buy Gu chocolate truffle pot things, in a black box, next time you go shopping - they're about £2.50 for 2 but they're sooo worth it. Must get some tonight. Where was I? Oh yes, dinner. Must eat.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Will this essay ever end?!

Probably not, if I don't do any work on it. But I'm waiting for my hair to dry, that's my excuse now, then I need to go to the shop and I'll probably be hungry by then - oh what a hectic life I lead. I don't seem to have posted for a good few days, but what you won't be aware of is that I accidentally deleted the last two posts. Hopefully I have learnt from those mistakes and this one won't be deleted too - well if you're reading this, it clearly hasn't been deleted, so hurrah!
I really am bored of the work I get for my course now. It's always on the dullest of topics - why does anyone want to know how a worm you can't even see develops from a single cell? Why don't I get to study how monkeys develop? Without the stupid acronym stuff that goes into far too much detail? The fact that I'm thinking like this makes me wonder if I'm doing the right Biology course. I think I'm not, but then there's nothing I can do about that now.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Colosseum madness

I have just returned from the Colosseum. I had to check the spelling of that. I thought there was a double letter in there somewhere, but it seems not. Anyway, it is a brilliant place with lots of... well, not really that brilliant people, except the ones I came with, but still, cheap drinks can never be frowned upon. And to get chatted up by two scallies is kind of flattering and better than nobody at all. There will be more standing on balconies I think. Yes. Hmmm I have just looked at my right arm and it looks like I have black stuff on it - don't know where that came from, maybe the bar thing of the balcony. Intriguing. My hair smells of smoke too. How annoying.
Oh yes, I saw The Passion of the Christ yesterday. It was very gory but I think it needed to be. Although I avoided looking at the screen for most of the film. I really shouldn't be posting at the minute - I may regret it in the morning. I see no spelling mistakes now, and I'm not blabbing about how much I love you all, but this may change in the morning. So I'll go to bed now I think. Nighty night xxx

Monday, October 18, 2004

Does photo posting work?

The wonderful Joseph Fiennes

Hurrah! Or not, depending whether this worked... look, it's Joseph Fiennes! Isn't he lovely? Isn't he wonderful? Now I can go to bed. Although there's still a picture of him on the sidebar, when I've deleted it from the template. Hopefully that will have magically disappeared by tomorrow - I'll have to wait and see. Oh the suspense.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Ooh I feel all Celtic and imp-like

I actually did some work today! Ok so it took me a while to get to a stage where I wrote anything out at all, but I started at about 2pm I think and finished about 5 minutes ago so that's, what, almost four hours of work? That's rather good I think. I really do think I chose the right degree, but the wrong course though - all I seem to learn about is what acronym interacts with what acronym allowing it to interact with another acronym etc etc to the point that I never really know what I'm learning about, just that I have to know it. That isn't Biology to me. That's just pointless learning. Oh well, I'm stuck with it now - hopefully whatever I do after this will involve more proper Biology like it was at A-level, rather than the molecular stuff.
Passion of the Christ tonight, wahey! Today's thinking for me was, "work for a few hours, then destress with film later, and all will be rewarding and generally well." But I've just realised we're going to see possibly the most violent and un-light (heavy, oh yes that's the word) film ever made. So, a day of thinking about deep and meaningful (except for the Biology of course :-)) stuff. Hurrah. Tomorrow better be a little less demanding brain-wise.
Phil is playing Capercaillie folky-type music downstairs. Honestly, it's like living with the Corrs! But that would be good as they are fabulous. Ah now Alex is playing Superman. It is clashing with the good folky music. We can't have that. No, we can't have that. I'm going downstairs to make dinner.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Cough cough cough cough cough cough cough

I can't remember when I got this cold-progressing-to-damn-annoying-cough thing but it is still here. I think it's been at least 2 weeks. Waaah. I don't think I have anything interesting to say today actually, it's just that I noticed I haven't blogged since Tuesday and that is a long time ago. Where is this term going?! It's already the end of week 3! Madness.
People should watch more children's TV - this week I have been mostly watching Tots' TV. Plus another programme with a fabulous song about there being "many different ways to get to 20p" (different combinations of coins, you see), that was great. But you won't appreciate its genius as the tune was what made it such a brilliant and wonderful ditty - ask me to sing it to you and you will see for yourself. Actually no. I'll make an effort to sing it as often as possible in the next week or so, that way everyone will get to hear it. What day is it today? Why, it's Pancake Day! I make the best pancakes in the world, and so for people who know me Pancake Day falls on 2 dates in a 365-day period. Woohoo.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Ode to my tutor

My tutor is a bitch. Sorry I just needed to say that. Nobody is about on campus and I have nothing else to do and I need to tell someone that. Thank you for listening :-) Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch. She loves worms, there must be something wrong with her. Yes, that's it. She is a bitch.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Reality check

You know when sometimes you think about stuff you always kind of wanted to do and have a fresh new inspiration to make sure you do it before you die, well I'm in that kind of a mood. Here's what I'm thinking about at the minute - I should:-
1. Learn to play the violin or some other instrument that lets me play folky-Riverdancy-music in little Irish pubs so people actually feel able to fully enjoy the music I'm playing. Rather than sitting still unable to even cough until the end of the piece and then clap politely and say "bravo!", or nothing at all if it's rubbish.
2. Learn to play the harp, because it always sound impressive whether you're rubbish or not. Can't remember ever having heard anyone play the harp badly.
3. Learn to improvise jazz and get a baritone sax. The musical theme to my ambitions stops here, honest.
4. Learn to dance, as in Latin and Ballroom-type stuff. I've been downloading 50s rock and roll-y songs, they should be listened to more often by people our age. It must have been cool when everyone could jive etc in those days. Incidentally, listen to "Swing, Swing, Swing" by Benny Goodman, especially the drum part by Gene Krupa, tis tres bon. I never realised I was a 60-year-old woman, hmmm.
5. Live in Edinburgh for a while! And other more distant places if I ever feel ambitious enough to leave the country.
6. Get over my extreme fear of the grapefruit-through-straw pain aspect of childbirth, create a little Kyle/Kylie and train him/her to help me with my Kylie clone army. But not for many, many, many years, obviously. Someone I know my age is already getting married, scary thought. Ok, too scary a thought, cold sweat, etc. Move on Kylie...
7. Learn to create lots of brilliant, fabulous sparkly things that people might want to buy and wear or put on their mantlepiece. Sparkly things make everyone happy. They should be scattered around hospitals.
8. Open the minds of people who are nice enough but are not nearly as open-minded as they think they are and as they should be. This is one of the reasons I am considering going into teaching. Oh and to teach people to use apostrophes properly and not to confuse, for example, the following words: your, you're, their, there. The terrible standard of spelling and grammar of kids these days makes me quite angry. Ok so I don't use perfect grammar in my blog posts and things but at least I know how to use it in a formal piece of writing.
9. Go to more live concerts, I mean of pop/rock/whatever you want to call it. I've only ever been to see Elton John. That was a bizarre and exciting experience. I want to go and see Coldplay or Keane when I have more money. I'm going to see Sarah McLachlan at the end of this term. Although I don't know who she is it will be good I'm sure.
10. Find a Joseph Fiennes clone whose main concern is not sex and who doesn't think "I can't understand why any woman would not want to pluck her eyebrows" and who isn't a sporty prejudiced Score twat. And who isn't gay. Ok so that might be difficult. Maybe not a physical clone of JF then, but who is as lovely personality-wise as JF is physically. I don't think there are many of them at Warwick...
Wow, ten, that's more than I expected. Anyway I think I'm going to watch Friends and go to bed so I can get up early and work. Bye bye my fellow Bobs, sleep well xxx

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Appointment of the "dis" variety

I have watched NYLON (I think it's supposed to be capitalised, hmm) for several weeks in a row, and it has been rather good. So imagine my disappointment to find that it has no ending! Tonight's final episode consisted of the usual to-ing and fro-ing across the Atlantic and the usual falling out/getting back together pattern, then in the last ten minutes they fell out and went to their respective homes, with a "call me" message from Edie on Micheal's home phone. Which they never showed him getting. Because he was on a bridge somewhere, pondering. And I think she was too. There was a lot of simultaneous bridge-pondering in NYLON. Anyway, nothing happened! I can understand the writers thinking "One of them moving across the Atlantic? No no no, too predictable for NYLON. Must create unpredictable ending, yes, unpredictable." but they could have killed one of them or something, not just left absolutely everything unresolved. How annoying.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Grrrrrrrrrrrr and waaaaaaaah and things

Yesterday the remaining £150 of my overdraft was, for some reason, removed from my account. The only explanation I can give is that Warwick Accommodation has cashed my deposit cheque (post-dated for 2nd October, grrrrrr). Alex lent me some money until my loan goes in, thankfully. But still wah. My Dad just rang me saying he and my mum think I might just have underestimated how much I've spent by £150, which is very very annoying, as I know I wouldn't be that stupid with my money. Ok so it might not be Warwick Accommodation - I don't know how easy it is to cash a cheque too early by mistake - and I'll get a mini-statement to investigate further tomorrow. This post will be very dull I know, sorry but typing is helping me let go of my ANGER GRRR :-) and feels necessary at the minute. I can only hope it was Warwick Accommodation, as an attempt by them to remove another £150 next week may result in my nervous breakdown. Blah and bleurgh!

Monday, September 27, 2004

I am silly, but it does me good...

...We biological scientists had a letter at the end of last term saying we have to go to a meeting on the first day of term, and I lost this bit of paper but was sure it said we had to be in at 9am, damn department. But I forgot where, so I searched everywhere(ish) for the sheet with the details tonight, to no avail. I was about to turn the light out an hour or so ago, so I could just turn up and ask someone at Gibbet Hill in the morning, when I had second thoughts and decided to look again for the paper. I found it, and it said our meeting was at 12pm! That story was quite long and boring but I am writing this post in an effort to help me become tired enough to go to sleep at some point tonight. Yes, when I thought I had to go in at 9 that thing was happening where it's the night before school begins again and something stops you from sleeping until two hours before you have to get up. I think maybe it's a subconscious thing - because you know you have to get to sleep before a certain time your mind does everything it can to keep you awake. Or maybe it's because I haven't gone to sleep before 4am this week. Hmm, who knows?
Top B tomorrow, and lots of queuing no doubt but still, Top B! With no middle-aged men! Hurroo! It will surely be exciting. Well, I am still very untired so I think I will go and play some internet games. Nanoo, nanoo.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

I love this!

I have just found the best game in the world! Heehee.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

A post on the gift of SONGS

I have just realised I forgot to start writing my Ode to Streptococcus pneumoniae (always remember the italics and to capitalise the genus, and not the species, people, ooh get me, I'm so biological). Maybe I will start writing it after this post - I think I am bored enough. Maybe I will not. No I will.
I was bored a few days ago on the bus to Coventry and decided to text my friend from home, Anna, and in my mental treasure trove of potential texts-about-nothing I found the lyrics to a musical we were both in on my 14th birthday at the main concert hall in Leicester. It is about "the intriguing story of the history, production and trading of coffee." Our music teacher made us do it, with loads of other schools. And you wonder why I turned out the way I did... Anyway since being cruelly corrupted by certain uni friends, I have noticed that the musical was full of sexual innuendo. Let me give you some examples:
She's coming, she's coming. We know she's on her way. We're confident she's coming with the minimum delay...We're spanking new containers (never quite worked out what they were getting at there), shining in the light. Shunting in anticipation, eager for delight...
And that was just one song! What are we teaching our children?! It was bad enough making us sing for several hours about coffee and the IMF. On my birthday. No party, just a celebration of coffee. I don't even like coffee.
I bought a new printer cartridge the other day, so imagine my disappointment to find that Edward Monkton's new website doesn't let me print his pictures off to stick on my wall any more :-( Now I might even have to go out and buy the cards. Shocking.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Monster deep post

Ok, you'll probably have noticed the bar at the top of these Blogger blogs with a button (Next Blog) that lets you look at other random people's blogs. Well tonight I was bored and pressed it a couple of times, and found the blog of an American girl whose whole blog was about her eating disorders. She described how her friends and parents had noticed there was something very wrong with her eating habits, and how she did everything possible to hide it from them. Her parents took her to the doctor but she even said she'd wear heavy weights in her bra to stop the doctor noticing any weight loss. It was really sad. She can't help herself because she's so deeply affected by her anorexia and bulimia, they've become her "friends" if you know what I mean. I don't know an awful lot about eating disorders, but I did feel the need to comment and remind her she's not alone and other people have gotten over eating disorders so there's hope, but I obviously couldn't do much else to help, as I'm hopelessly underqualified to comment any further! I don't know whether incidences of eating disorders have risen since the media's idea of a "beautiful" woman (or man) have been shoved in our faces for most of every day, but I suspect this to be the case. It's so damn annoying! I think everyone has, at some point, believed they were hideously ugly and fat, usually during teenage years I suppose. I used to think I was ugly, and often still do. Not just average-looking. I mean really, really ugly. Luckily my views are changing slightly for the better (about time too, I'm getting old!). I remember probably about three or four years ago, I was having a late-night chat with my mum about the whole confidence issue and I ended up crying - no surprises there, then! - because it just hit me how ugly I felt, I had more acne than I have now and I hated my nose and my pasty skin and well, just about everything. It was the first time I'd talked to my mum about it properly, and I made her cry - she kept telling me I wasn't ugly, I was the opposite of ugly, I was beautiful and she couldn't understand why me and my brother had such low self-confidence and she thought she was a bad parent because of it. Of course, I didn't (and still don't) believe I was beautiful (she's my mother, she's bound to think that) but for some reason this time it made me think maybe I'm not unbelieveably ugly, but just the same as your average woman. That maybe I was at least acceptable. Strange really, one conversation did so much for my confidence! I read magazines that claim to have plus-size models, but they just pick a couple of size 12 girls and then next issue go back to size 6 models. Waaaah! Just look at the size of the women in the new Dove campaign, it's ridiculous, they're not fat at all! And there's not a lot we can do about it. Well not a lot I can think of at this time of morning anyway. A rare deep and meaningful post, eh? I won't make it a regular occurrence, promise. Hehehe. No, jolly posts in the future about bunnies and squirrels and things.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Just a quick waaah.

I am kind of getting round to sorting my room out now (after a week and a half of sleeping amongst boxes). I've just managed to sort my CD player out so I can once again play the radio. Well that's what I was going to do. I put Mercia FM on (isn't it fabulous) to find the biggest insult in song form poking and biting at my eardrums (in a metaphorical way) so I had to turn it off after, oh, a couple of seconds. Oh yes the song I'm talking about is "Babycakes". It really does disgust me just to write that word. This "song" is making my life hell at the minute. Imagine a horrible little man covered in herpes that looks like this who steals a nice baby (the cute kind, not one you could take or leave, that won't do for this comparison) and rips it apart in front of your eyes, showing you every torn bloody internal organ released in the process, then opens his mouth to reveal writhing maggots and devours the baby piece by piece. Now that's how I feel when I hear this song. Just to let you know.

Monday, September 13, 2004

The best film ever made

(The following is sarcasm and you must not in any way be believed to be my genuine opinion.) "Like It Is" is easily the best film I have ever seen, and beats even American Psycho in my favourite films list. With such unforgettable quotes as "Bitchy!" and "Shit! Fuck! Gay! Fuck! Shit! Gay! Gay! Shit! Fuck!" (you had to be there), and some of the most captivating performances in British, nay, world, nay, universal film history, I simply do not understand where the Oscar nominations went. I mean, any film with Dani Behr and Roger Daltrey of The Who has got to be a masterpiece, hasn't it? Another thing I don't get is why I have not heard of bizarre acronym I can't remember, the low-budget-but-still-fabulous-boyband-member-in-a-trolley-video group?! I need their music now!
Seriously, why has this film got 6.8/10 on the IMDb website?! Was it meant to be a comedy? Well watch it anyway, it's in the Pride library (or will be when it's taken back from here) and is worth it if you are extremely bored and fancy a "so bad it's brilliant" type film.
Ok time to sleep - just remember, whenever you ask for takeaway food, demand a TRAY! Or all of your relationships will fail, oh yes. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Still unpacked!

Aren't holidays great? Once again I have got up too late to even watch Richard and Judy, which is shameful, but at least I got to top up on Knightmare last night. I brought a tapeful of episodes from home taped from Challenge (plus the final BBLB because I forgot to tape over it) and last night we finished them all! It was most disappointing. Will have to tape some more when I go home again, although they only show it on Saturday and Sunday knights (hoho) at the minute rather than twice a weekday. I recommend watching Knightmare in the dark, although you can't see Fruit Corners any more but it's worth it for the scary element the darkness adds.
I'm sure I had a profound answer-some-of-my-niggling-problems dream just before I woke up today, but I can't remember what happened. It was something to do with spending all my money on a ghost hunt and so losing the means with which to buy food until my loan comes through. I think there's still a message in there... Considering there was a man (let's call him Mr Benzene) who had a dream one night that there was a snake with its tail in its mouth, and from that worked out the structure of benzene, I feel my dream interpretation skills have a long way to go. If I'd had that dream I would've looked it up in my kiddies' dream dictionary, which for snake says "A snake is said to represent sexual desire and is known in the dream business as a phallic symbol: it may represent a phallus or penis." I would've gone away thinking I'd had a penis-related dream and thought nothing of it. Maybe Mr Benzene used a special Dreams for Chemists book: "A snake is said to represent chemical desire and is known in the dream business as a chemical symbol: it may represent a benzene ring. Congratulations! You have discovered the structure of benzene!" I must remember to look for one of those.
Forgive the layout of "Musings on Mice", I tried to put spaces between the paragraphs several times and it never worked, damn it. I bet it'll work for this one, oh yes, when I really couldn't care less whether there were spaces between the paragraphs. But when you're dealing with fine art... tut.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Musings on Mice

Now, some of you may not believe in the power of the car boot sale. However, as you may know, I am rather fond of harnessing this power every now again. You may not believe that items purchased at a car boot sale can change the course of your life forever. I have evidence to the contrary, and I believe that you will be convinced of the validity of my claims after reading the following item of literary genius. Recall my recent bargain buy of Pictionary for a small amount of money that I can't at this moment remember. While preparing for my first use of said game last night, we happened upon a small, red "Handy Tablet" notepad containing poetry of the highest standard, which touched all of our lives. Read it for yourselves. We (of the Cov Mansion household) named it "Musings on Mice":
Musings on Mice
I fingk mice are rather nice.
Their teyols are long. Ther fesus are small. They havnt eny chins at all. Ther erys are punk. Ther teeyth are white. They runabawt the house. They niboy fings they shed taoch (?) and no one sems to like them.
But I thingk mice are nice.
Judging from the language, I think it may be from Olde England and probably worth an absolute fortune. I'm off to Christie's to cash in on my fortunes.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Coventry again

Yay! My computer is connected to the internet in Cov! 1st time! The only thing is, MSN Messenger doesn't appear to be working. Wah for that. I am surrounded by un-unpacked things and all the furniture is wrong - the landlord seems to have placed the under-bed storage area thing next to the wall, also covering a double plug socket in the process - where's the logic in that?!!! Anyway, enough about my house problems. Let's talk about cheese. My favourite cheese is Red Leicester, as it is brilliant. Try it yourself - work out what your favourite cheese is, and why? I feel a poll coming along...

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Walking around Leicester in the dark

I went on a ghost walk today. It was most interesting. I did not know that there was a ghost in Alliance and Leicester of a woman wearing a tight catsuit with long blonde hair. And a bum-pinching ghost in the street of solicitors. And a monk in Leicester Cathedral's graveyard that points to you making you die within 24 hours. Marc Almond of Soft Cell fame had just finished a concert in the Cathedral as we passed it, and it was full of smoke and atmospheric purple lighting. But he is silly.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Blog bloggity blog blog ideas

As you may tell, I often have trouble finding interesting things to write about in my blog. So imagine my excitement when I found this website. My task is to discover the strangest thing I can find on eBay. Regardez voici!

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I think Carlsberg made our house!

As in, "Carlsberg don't make houses, but if they did, they'd probably be the best houses in the world." Oh the wit. I came back from our house in Coventry this evening. If you think your student house is good, come and have a look at ours - it is housetastic! It's all very clean (except the bathroom, but that can be fixed) and we have a nice little breakfast area in our kitchen, and nice furniture, and no threat of dodgy electricity burning the house down! The only thing is, it has a name - St Kevin's. Hmm. I didn't know there was a saint called Kevin. Phil informs me that he is patron saint of blackbirds. St Kevin, not Phil. Apparently, "A cow which habitually licked Kevin's clothes while the saint was in prayer gave as much milk as 50 other cows." Wouldn't it be brilliant to share a house with the patron saint of blackbirds, or indeed any saint?
For some reason, the past few days all I want to do is watch Friends. Will and Grace too actually. Talking of Friends, the song played in the final episode when Ross and Rachel got back together ("The Reason", Hoobastank) is tres bon and you must all download/buy it at once. I have an embarrassing lack of music on my computer, I need broadband so I can download stuff again. Anyway, Will and Grace beckons...

Friday, August 20, 2004

Things I want...

I have decided I need many more CDs than I have. There's so much music I like at the minute and I can't listen to it! Although I'm not going to list it all, that would be dull. I should write more songs. Actually, I should just write a song to start with. Thing is, I have a feeling if I did it'd end up being about goblins or bacteria. Well, it worked for the Beatles. A song about bacteria would be rather brilliant actually, I'll have a good think about that - there seems to be a gap in the market where songs of bacterial love and bravery are concerned. Yes.
I'm going to Cov tomorrow! Not to move in for good, but to stay for a few days and drop some bulky stuff off. Oh yes and the ghosthunt is off again, damn it! The tickets seem to sell out a lot more quickly than you might expect. But, being cunning and able to adapt to whatever life throws at us, we have decided to go to a ghost walk that happens to be taking place a week on Monday to gather information about haunted Leicester, and then arrange a night wandering around haunted Leicester in search of ghosts. This is in theory you understand. You probably know that I am not the most adventurous person in the world, and if something happened, would be quite likely to run away screaming like a girl (or indeed a very camp man).
Anyway, off I go to hitting practise...

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

I love horses - they're my friends

Why does doing nothing make me more tired than doing... something? Life is bizarre. So, this is my first blog for over a week. "You must have a new and fabulously busy lifestyle!" I hear you cry. Oh no. Although I did go to the Bullring on Thursday for to buy presents for Mad Aunt Gertrude's and my brother's birthdays, and in true Kylie style, came home with only the magazine I bought to amuse myself on the outward train journey. Still. Oh and I went on a night out for the first time in weeks on Friday. But that's about it.

I see from my McDonald's Advantage Club email that they've introduced a Crayola Happy Meal. Perhaps it's just a piece of paper with a crayon representation of a burger and chips, hohoho. Gosh I'm funny. I should use the word "gosh" more often. No I shouldn't.

I have started my new keep fit regime! Which involves going to the Leisure Centre where my mum is a receptionnist and getting free aerobic-y things twice a week. One of them is Box Fit, where I've been learning to damage people's internal organs - it's great. I intend to join a self-defence/aerobic-y type thing when I get back, if anyone wishes to join me? Go on, otherwise, you'll have no way to defend yourself when I attack you with my new boxing moves (I'm 'ard, me).

Ooh must go, got a birthday card to deliver... remember, in future you can use to access my blog! Hurrah!

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Pointy elf shoes

It's very very sunny and hot. I really want to go somewhere. But I can't think of anywhere to go, which is why I'm on t'internet. I might settle for the museum. Yay! Will have to get a move on though. Ooh ooh ooh the Kylie Belgrave Hall Ghosthunt may be on once again! My brother went to Belgrave Hall for a walk a couple of days ago, that day when there were huge storms (muahahaha he had no coat), and he said they're selling tickets for another ghosty night for the end of September. Hurrah! But I have to wait for Laura to confirm that she can come before I can buy tickets, so there's a possibility that they'll sell out again. I have a good feeling though :-) She wants us to go off on our own at some point during the night - hmm not too sure about that. Vic Reeves did it and after about 20 secs ran back to the others cos there were scary noises :-S and before that the medium said there was a bloke called Edmund Craddock who "doesn't like womenfolk". Yeees. If I'm not there at the start of term, I may have been attacked by a misogynist ghost and left for dead, so start getting worried...

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Shock! Horror!

I've just found out that Jason Karl (the paranormal investigator for the first series of Most Haunted) was Julian, the dungeoneer who was a member of team 10 in Knightmare Series 2! They won too! Ok now I'm starting to sound like a bit of a geek. Oh well, I'm not ashamed - quite the opposite, I'm proud. This has amused me for, oh, the past hour or so. Hahaha. Hahahahahahahaha. It's definitely true, see for yourself. There's an interview at the bottom of the page. Oh what a small world.

Friday, July 30, 2004

Only the crumbliest flakiest chocolate...

I prefer Galaxy Ripple to Flake. I just used the Flake theme song lyrics because I thought they would make a good post title. Also, of all the ice-cream-that-began-as-a-chocolate-bar possibilities, I would choose the joy that is the Mars ice cream. Maybe because it's the first ice-cream-that-began-as-a-chocolate-bar that I ever came across. I have posed the same dilemma to people from the U.S. on Yahoo games, and they have told me it's the only one they have! I don't know if this is true, but if it is, I think it is rather sorrowful. Imagine never having had a Cornetto! I suppose the advantage of not having Cornettos would be the ability to avoid those annoying "Cornetto Love Potions" adverts: "I'm a man, surprise surprise. Give me Cornetto and I won't tell the guys" etc, waah they're sooo bad! But not as bad as the "You're someone very special" sickly-grandpa/sickly-grandson Werther's Original advert. Although I suppose the WO advert is at least rather amusing. Have I just filled a very large paragraph just babbling about chocolate products?
I love Knightmare in case you haven't guessed. It's fun watching programmes from my childhood - I wish I could watch "Through the Dragon's Eye" again - that was high quality entertainment. All I remember is Morris, Doris and Boris who were people dressed and made up in green, purple and orange respectively, and the episode where for some reason Boris ended up as an orange puddle on the floor and the trauma I experienced upon seeing this. Why do children's programme makers delight in producing deep emotional scars in their viewers?

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Hello there

Blogspot seem to be improving their blogging opportunities - I can even justify the text now, woohoo. I'm online for some reason, can't remember what that is though. Well, it gives me a chance to tell you the news that Phil sent a letter to Televirtual, who made Knightmare, asking if there was any chance we could be on the new show. They replied!
"Dear Phil, Kylie, Ciaran and Alexander,

Thanks for your continued interest in KNIGHTMARE, and thanks also for the application.

I really don't know yet if Knightmare will return and the form it will take. 
There is no popular genre for fantasy adventure/role playing on world television, and the broadcasters' obsession with reality shows also doesn't help.

Where technology has been tried recently - as with Fightbox - the results have tended to discredit the approach.

So it won't be easy. However the support and interest of folks like yourselves encourage me to keep plugging away.

I'll keep the application on file. Who knows, it might get used yet!! 
Yes, Tim Child! He's on the original series credits - he created the series! It doesn't matter that we won't get on the show (well I think I can pass for 13), not now we've interacted with a LEGEND in the TV world. Or rather Phil has on our behalf. Hope you don't mind me telling everyone, Phil :-) I just can't contain my utter joy and happiness that Tim Child has mentioned my name in an email.
I will leave you with a rather unlovely sentence I just found having typed "fish poo" into Google:
"It eats every kind of fish food ever made, hair algae, the bloodwormsthat have gone white that nobody else wants, even other fish's poo!"
I don't know what creature it refers to. If you could extract fish poo from the water, and you tried to burn it, would it work or would there be too much moisture within the poo?

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

False Alarm

- If a false alarm can be bad. Laura rang up for ghostyhunt tickets and they had all sold out :-( and the next one with tickets isn't till the end of September. I might come home for the weekend and go to that one instead. Mnooo! As a result, uninterrupted boredom continues. Need job. My mother threatened to permanently move my piano from here (where I live) to my dad's house, because "it takes up too much room" and "don't worry, I'll pay for it to be moved". This annoys me much more than you might think. My dad promised not to let her move it since I really, really want it to stay here but my Mum is saying she'll move it while I'm away :-(((. Therefore, today has been blah and waaah. I'm bored, have not seen any of my friends from Leicester at all this holiday and have no money to do anything other than sit and mope and occasionally go to Sainsbury's with my dad. Yay(!)

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Wooo excitement...

I am going on a ghost hunt! Providing I can get the tickets. I don't know if any of you watch Most Haunted, but I think it is very much hurrah-worthy. If you do, you may recall a celebrity version with Vic Reeves and his wife, and of course the usual Yvette Fielding, the medium Derek Acorah, etc. It was at Belgrave Hall, which is now a museum thing, in Leicester. In the middle of a seance Vic Reeves felt an urge to chase a ghost upstairs because it was taunting him, and I think they heard a few noises and saw a few orbs/strange shapes too. And the place was in the news in a big way in 1998 because they were supposed to have caught a ghost on the security camera in the gardens, although a lot of people now think it was just a leaf or something, but it was haunted before then anyway. Well, as I'm sure you've guessed, that's where my ghost hunt is going to be! They're doing an all night ghosty evening from 8pm-4am which includes a dinner at the adjacent Talbot pub (v. old, built about 11th century I think and also haunted). I'll be going with my cousin Laura and a few other people I think. If I can get the tickets. I'm sure I'll regret it on the night and want to run away, but I'm going, oh yes. Hee hee hee. I may have to have a few drinks before they get me to go in. In the unlikely event that you read this today, watch Living TV at 12:00am, the Belgrave Hall/Vic Reeves Most Haunted is being repeated.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

I can never think of good post titles

The past few days have been annoying. It's a bit like Groundhog Day (the film I mean) - I wake up, usually at some time around midday, watch morning tv, feel guilty for being very very close to my overdraft limit/not having got a job/worked hard enough on my degree, watch Richard and Judy and BBLB, lay about some more, watch repeats I've seen thousands of times on UK Gold and go to bed at about 2:00am. The next day, and the day after the next day, and the day after the day after the next day, are the same. I'M BORED!!! I need a job. Jobs are very difficult to get if you don't have any work experience. I sent my CV and filled in application forms at about 20 shops at the end of term 1 last year and got nowhere. Waaaaah!

By the way, next year, I give everyone permission to make me work, or I might just fail, and that would not be good. It nearly happened this year :-S. I'm hoping it doesn't affect my chances of getting a place on a PGCE course, although I fear it might. Then I might have to leave Warwick after next year, shock horror! I really don't want that to happen.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Holiday madness

Back in Leicester. No more living in Leamington. Damn it. Oh well, must look to the future and Coventry and things like that. Since moving out of my house in Leamington, I've been frantically (ish) looking for a job, had a load of setbacks in that dept but hopefully there's always Safeway down the road if I can't find anywhere else.

So, what have I been doing in the meantime? Well, I went to see Elton John last Monday. It was my first live pop/rock-type concert; I've decided I must go to more. I found it bizarre seeing and hearing him in person. Not used to this seeing famous people in the flesh thing, but who is I suppose? The only annoying thing was that me and my mum both had a double vodka and coke each just before it started (£8! Daylight robbery!) and despite going to the toilet just before we went to our seats, after about an hour we both really really needed to go again. We waited for an interval but it didn't happen. I nearly got to the stage of going up to Mr John and asking him if he was EVER GOING TO STOP as we were dying. But I didn't. Just had to miss out on one of his songs. Other than that, it was v good.

What else? Boredom to the point of going to the supermarket every couple of days with my dad and Smigel, his 80-something friend. She is very nice really but physically she really is a cross between Smigel and Dobby from Harry Potter. Oh and went to a car boot on Sunday, where I bought Ker-plunk for £2! I've been trying to spend my birthday money too, so a few trips to town were in order.

Ah yes, thank you for the birthday presents/cards/company on the last Thurs of term. Although you were prob going to Bows/end of term meal anyway, but it was still nice to spend my birthday with so many people around. The present-thank-you also applies to Ciaran, who gave me the following:

A "bitchass" window sticker
A "slag" patch to sew onto an item of clothing of my choice
A bottle of purple hair dye
A henna tattoo set
A keyring that makes orgasm noises for several minutes after its button is pressed, so to speak.

Ok so maybe I will not go so far as to use the window sticker and the patch, but I may make a compromise and use the hair dye in a small streak of my hair and the henna stuff on a small section of my arm. I'll wait till I get back to uni for that though. Who knows, I might be inspired to change my image... As for the orgasm keyring (aka the "orgasmatron"), that has already fulfilled its use by going off on a bus full of people, of course, much to my amusement. How I chuckled. That Ciaran, he is a card.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Exams are over and it is the end of the year. Discuss.

I am happy for a number of reasons.

1) I thought Kazaa was taking ages and ages to download stuff and I wouldn't be able to watch it for a long time, but then I found a Will and Grace, three episodes of Scrubs and, most excitingly, Monsters Inc all fully downloaded in a hidden folder! This may not sound exciting to any of you especially 1st years, you have DC++ on campus and super duper (I hate that expression) computers, but as Phil puts it, I've had an abacus for a computer, so I've never been able to download films. Until now, thanks to Phyllis, who has lent me a comparatively high-tech computer for a good while! Yay for Phil!

2) My friends are all lovely, lovely balls of loveliness. Not that I'm comparing you to testicles. You know what I mean xxxxxxx

3) Exams are over and it's the last week of term.

4) It's my birthday very soon!

5) It's girly Leamington night out tomorrow with Helen and Bev - we haven't done the Wetherspoon's cocktails/Gilbert+Joseph-watching/Mirage thing properly since term 1, and I've missed it. Although none of you will know what I'm talking about as I don't think said people read my blog.

6) Just visiting Xanana's has put me in a good mood. Not because there's a pretty barman, just because it's Xanana's and brings back good memories. And, more to the point, there's a pretty barman.

To conclude, today, Kylie is happy. Happy happy happy. Hurroo :-D

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Knightmare returns...

...a virtual reality version is being made with Lord Fear and Treguard and everything! It's true, go see! (There are clips below the pictures on the left-hand side). I hope Pickle will be back. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you'd better not go to the website - the upset caused by the realisation that you never got to watch this amazing and wondorous show may be too much to handle. Actually no, go and look at the clips of the original (I've added the link). Knightmare is good for your health.

I feel really guilty not working, even after my exams are finished. The thought that I should be doing something useful with my time is always at the back of my mind. It's very annoying. I think my poll has conclusively shown that Alex is too mean to me. I may send the results to Tony Blair and see if he can do anything about it.

Friday, June 18, 2004


Happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy no more exams!!!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

The opposite of insomnia

I've just had one of those moments when you wake up from a nap and you think you're in a parallel universe or at least the next morning when it's actually 4:15pm and Richard and Judy's only an hour away. I find it entertaining how amazingly stupid I am when I've just woken up in the daytime sometimes. Why do I always feel overheated and thirsty after I have a nap? Anyway now I should be (hmm) fully awake for revision for Friday's (final!!!) exam - I hope to finish revising for the module by the Pride BBQ tomorrow so I can go to Bows guilt-free.

Oh yes by the way try to make it to the end of term meal and Bows next Thurs if you can, it's my birthday (& of course Alex's the next day) and it'd be nice to see everyone and you know you can't resist pizza. Incidentally I'm letting myself think quite a lot about non-exam-related things. It makes for a reasonably sane Kylie rather than the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Kylie who's been making more of an appearance lately. My two exams went well today and I think I'll be able to repeat that if I revise properly today and tomorrow - this may even be the last, or more likely penultimate post in which I go on about exams! Hurrah!

I'm listening to a Corrs song in Spanish right now. Oh how I love Kazaa. xxx

Sunday, June 13, 2004


Is it called insomnia at this time of day? I think it is, since I didn't get to bed till about 4 this morning, and I was woken by the sound of Rachel and Chris shouting about moving-out-related things at about 9:30 (i.e. because they're moving out) and I haven't been able to get to sleep since. They are still here. I feel unable to go and have a shower or get breakfast because Rachel's mum and brother are roaming around the house and I think they'd be disgusted that I've just got up. Damn them. Still, at least they're moving out! I will no longer have strangers occupying my house!

Exam-wise, 4 more to go, Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon - I plan to go to the library later on so I can begin to understand Endocrinology and maybe a bit of Cell Signalling. For the 1st time I can see a tiny pinprick of light at the end of the alpha helix I mean tunnel. 6 days to go! But then I'll only have a week in Leamington :-( I will miss it. I don't care what people say, the main part of Leamington (i.e. the Parade) is pretty and has a lovely atmosphere and makes me feel that little bit happier, what with the sunlight bouncing off the whiteness everywhere. Forget about the grotty end on the way to Brunswick Street, the nice parts are so much nicer than Coventry. Let's face it, Coventry has no nice parts. It is ugly as something so ugly that people fall over due to its intense ugliness. I know I've fallen over many a time while shopping in Coventry City Centre. I'll also miss seeing the Stagecoach buses when I'm coming back to Leam from home. I think it might be their colour I like. Having said that, it does have an H&M and a Lush. I'm considering getting a job in Lush next year - it would be the best job ever. Everyone go to Lush, it smells very very very very very nice and everything's all essential oil-y and sparkly and natural. Oh look at me I'm babbling now. I'll shut up. x x x

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

My favourite time of year...

I seem to remember saying, during my GCSEs, how much I enjoyed doing exams - I was a strange child. I think I failed this morning's two exams, so am going to have to ask my head of dept whether this will mean I've failed this year. I am very silly. FRIDAY AFTERNOON WEEK 9 if your exams finish before then, don't complain that you finish late. Unless you're a 1st year, in which case just don't let me know you finish earlier than me for the sake of my sanity. Three people on my MSN have changed their name to "AAARGH" or a variant of "AAARGH," and none of them know each other so it wasn't planned. How entertaining.

Birthday celebration update!
Harry Potter is looking likely, i.e. the film not as a birthday guest. Although it would be nice to have the real thing around on my birthday. I would quite like to properly analyse that scar of his, molecularly I mean, I find it hard to believe a scar with such properties really exists. Anyway, if you're coming it might be a good idea to resist temptation to see it before then. On the other hand, we might not go to see it at all. Oh the joys of having power over people's lives.

YAY YAY YAY I'm going to see Elton John on 28th June at the Birmingham NEC! (Thank you mother). Excitment excitement excitement.

OK time for shower/fabulous daytime TV/Clarinet Choir/other ways to postpone work. Until we meet again dear friends... x

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Oh, bongo drums

Hello, my friends. I have done not nearly enough work but this is more important than that. I am in a very strange mood today - I have 2 weeks of solid exams that I haven't revised for coming up and yet I'm in a kind of a happy-yet-very-stressed mood. 'Tis tres bizarre. Kind of like the strange pleasure you get from putting your shoes on the wrong feet. Does anyone else get that or is it just me? I think it might just be me.

It is my mum's birthday today. I got her Angela's Ashes - the book, not the film. It's my dad's birthday tomorrow. I bought him the Penguin Concise English Dictionary, aren't I a good daughter? He will LOVE it. No I'm neither thoughtless nor extremely unimaginative, he asked for it. Not in the sense of "My dad annoys and provokes me so he deserves a dictionary for his birthday." I stole his a while ago and he needs a new one for crosswords. I reckon he's just going to look up random (not rude) words for fun like I used to do at school though, that's all anyone ever wants a dictionary for. Yay, it will be my birthday on 24th June, and Alex's on 25th June - I think we might be doing exciting stuff on my birthday (Thurs week 10) as a joint birthday thing, although we're not sure what yet. Everyone is invited! Yay! It's a long way off but it's one of the few things I have to look forward to at the minute, what with exams and other annoyingness. So I will continue to go on about it for a while.

I like this poem. It describes my present mood perfectly - the utter joy of having chickens around, combined with the panic of out-of-control pecking and general chaos. Oh and while I'm at it, here's Phil's recommendation.

I might set up a new poll soon, not sure what on though. Maybe I should set up a poll about what subject I should set up a poll on, hmmm...

Let me leave you with this advice: do not eat too many Starburst Sea Monsters, they make you feel hungry and yet unable to eat without feeling sick.

Est-ce qu'il y a un eglise pres d'ici? Je veux faire du praying, oui. Continuez tous droite puis tournez a gauche? Ah, merci beaucoup.
Au revoir mes amis x x x

Monday, May 31, 2004


This is a post to relieve boredom. I am in the resources room and there are no buses till 9:30. It is annoying that I didn't think about the boredom-reducing nature of writing a blog till about 5 mins ago and I'll have to get the bus in another 5 mins. I'm going to watch that Derren Brown seance thingy when I get back. Although the point of it is that it doesn't involve ghosts at all, I will prob be scared after watching it alone. Woooooooooooooooo. Ghosts, eh? I'm off to get the bus now. Bye bye x

Sunday, May 23, 2004


I am getting that horrible stressed frustrated shallow-breathing feeling you get when you realise your course is going completely wrong and exams are coming up very very soon :-( I feel like lying in a ball on my bed and going to sleep till exams are over, but I don't think that would be very useful in terms of getting a job in the future! Mnoooooooo and mneeeeee! Sorry if I go on about this a lot in the next couple of weeks, but till Friday week 9 I will be imprisoned in a cage full of metaphorical smug people reciting to me everything I don't, but should, know about Biology and laughing and mocking. I will try not to go on about it too much though. I appreciate it makes quite depressing and boring reading. To make matters worse, I discovered yesterday I don't think I registered for enough labs this year. Which is bad. Boo hoo! Everything is bad!!! So I'm going home for a few days on Tuesday night, so I can try to revise/destress without all the distractions I have here, and will be back for at least one day of Brum Pride. I may post later. If not see some of you tomorrow at Xanana's xxx

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Silly man

I hate the Jerry Springer Show.


Ok this is getting scary now. I've not done any work at all for 3 days. Very very scared about what I'm going to get for this year :'-( Must work harder! Or even just work!

I did like Bows last night. A distinct lack of straight men though. Maybe I'm expecting a bit too much there, what do you think? Went to see Troy before that (lots of straight men in that. Hehehe). Not too sure whether I liked it - I think it was good, but I needed the toilet for the last 1 1/2 hrs or so of the film so wasn't too happy with its length. I didn't feel able to go during the film because it always seemed as if something exciting was going to happen whenever I tried to get up, I suppose that's a good sign though. Hmmm getting into the realms of "too much information" now I think...

Oooh ooh ooh do my poll! It'll be interesting to see what the outcome of this oh-so-important scientific investigation is (ahem, vote for the sixth option, ahem). I'm not at all biased and won't rig the results at all. No I won't. I can't you see. (NUMBER SIX, ahem. You'll get CHOCOLATE, lots of lovely CHOCOLATE, ahem).

Thursday, May 20, 2004


Honestly, how am I supposed to be allowed to procrastinate properly if my blog won't do as I tell it? I'm playing with the template at the minute, and the preview has lovely links in almost the right place. On the other hand, when I republish it they don't show up on my page, although the html blah still has my changes in it! What's going on there then?! I don't understand computers.

Oh yes, incidentally, thank you for the lovely commentiness (people have visited me! Yay!). I have decided that when it comes to links, it's going to be a case of "You scratch my link, I'll scratch yours" and anyone who adds me to their page will be rewarded in due course. Perhaps with my last Rolo, or a non-Nestle alternative. As for Cliff, I'll put him in for free as he is Alex's mum's best friend, or something like that. My cousin went to school with the bloke who now does Sooty! I think his name is Richard. The Sooty man, not my cousin. I know his name.

Everyone must go to Bows tonight or I will visit them in their sleep and feed them celery, awful stuff.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Ciaran's cold has finally arrived

Oh yay. I knew it was coming, but this morning I woke to find all the symptoms of Binkicaemia. Expect the River Leam to fill with blood some time soon, along with a plague of skunk-haired camels. I think this is the start of the Great War Against Blogs.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Ello ello ello what's all this then?

I've always wanted a blog. In fact I don't know why I haven't created one before now, but better late than never eh? So, here it is, my blog - a blog of sparkliness, a blog of fabulosity, a blog of greatness, a blog of mystery and intrigue. Won't you join me as I take you on a journey to Leicester, Coventry and beyond, and who knows, we might even be able to fit in a trip to Bob's house on the way? But beware the toast that has no ears! And also ragwort, which (I seem to remember from a Brownies trip to the botanical gardens), if touched, can cause huuuge blisters and even DEATH. At least I think that's what it was called. Well you get the idea. Hello. xxx