Wednesday, June 09, 2004

My favourite time of year...

I seem to remember saying, during my GCSEs, how much I enjoyed doing exams - I was a strange child. I think I failed this morning's two exams, so am going to have to ask my head of dept whether this will mean I've failed this year. I am very silly. FRIDAY AFTERNOON WEEK 9 if your exams finish before then, don't complain that you finish late. Unless you're a 1st year, in which case just don't let me know you finish earlier than me for the sake of my sanity. Three people on my MSN have changed their name to "AAARGH" or a variant of "AAARGH," and none of them know each other so it wasn't planned. How entertaining.

Birthday celebration update!
Harry Potter is looking likely, i.e. the film not as a birthday guest. Although it would be nice to have the real thing around on my birthday. I would quite like to properly analyse that scar of his, molecularly I mean, I find it hard to believe a scar with such properties really exists. Anyway, if you're coming it might be a good idea to resist temptation to see it before then. On the other hand, we might not go to see it at all. Oh the joys of having power over people's lives.

YAY YAY YAY I'm going to see Elton John on 28th June at the Birmingham NEC! (Thank you mother). Excitment excitement excitement.

OK time for shower/fabulous daytime TV/Clarinet Choir/other ways to postpone work. Until we meet again dear friends... x


Anonymous said...

can i post?
methinks yes
mwa hahahahaha
what fun is in store for me