Wednesday, November 10, 2004


It's getting cold now isn't it, as the old lady at the Sainsbury's bus stop commented. I went to Sainsbury's after my Sausage Factory meeting this morning and they had a plethora (I've never really understood what that word means) of goodies on sale because their use by date was today. I got very excited as you can imagine, and bought a lovely chargrilled chicken and bacon pizza for £1.50, half price! Wahey. The day is looking up already. Actually I have just realised just how much my trip to Sainsbury's resembled an old lady's trip to Sainsbury's. I banter-ed with the delicatessen lady, and the checkout lady, and then I bought a poppy on the way out while banter-ing with the war veteran man. Then at the bus stop I banter-ed with the old lady I mentioned above. Is banter a verb? Who knows? I know I can't be bothered to look.
Why are trains so damn expensive? I need to book three trains, one Cov - London Euston, one London King's Cross - Cambridge, and one Cambridge - Cov, for my weekend of super-duperness with Sarah McLachlan on Helen's birthday, and altogether it'll cost me about £40! That's just travelling, then I'll have to pay £30-ish for the concert ticket. Mneh. I really need a job now. As a result I will try my very very hardest not to go to Bows or Nightingales this week, or next week for that matter. Hmm how shall I do that... I may ask my dad to take me home this weekend, then I will be free of temptation and might get a bit of free food too. Interesting.
Time for pre-huuuuuuuuuge clarinetting sleep.