Sunday, November 21, 2004

The badgers did it

I'm back from the Weekend of Fun, twas fabulous naturally and Sarah McLachlan was tres tres bon and sparkly things were plentiful and Helen and Bev were there. Hurray hurray. We found no Orlando Bloom (except in Troy, which I have just realised is "Tory" if you mistype it hohoho) and no badgers, but Red Leicester cheese graced us with its presence, which was nice.

Tomorrow is the start of the week of playing with frogs. I've just read the manual and it says "we will also remove testes from several males to provide sperm." I'm assuming they mean frog males, not human males. That would be fun. Actually removing frog testes will not be fun. I'm sure they make us do this stuff just so they can laugh on the sidelines - previous experiments have included pulling live maggots apart while watching their internal organs spill out under the microscope, and completely opening up live locusts, pinning their outer layers down so they stay open and watching them try to jump while open. Which sometimes worked. I suppose if I was a locust one of the things I would miss most when faced with death would be jumping, so I would try and get as much in as possible before I was passed on to the locust deity in the sky. Ah animal guts, how I will miss them.

Beddibyes now, need to be ready for a week of full-time labs. Yaaay(!)