Thursday, November 04, 2004

FROGS! frogggggs...zzzzzzzzzzzzz

- a summary of this afteroon's lecture.
I went to bed relatively early last night in an effort to rid myself of a slightly annoying headache. Then I woke up at 3am with the evillest, most scream-worthy of headaches. It took me ages to get back to sleep - I had to leave my head with the right side of my face against the pillow (so to speak) and keep my fingers pressed against the top of my nose, and even that didn't work so I had to take some paracetamol. Which is bad, as I think I have taken paracetamol three days in a row now. Pity me! It's still there a bit but I've got used to it.
I went to Lush when I was at home last weekend, and guess what? They have a new Glitterbug!
You know, the sparkly soap stuff I have probably attacked you with at some point? They brought out pink and blue ones last year, but now they have a gold one too! I may just have to put it on my Christmas list. I'll have to try hard not to buy it for myself before then, but I'm not sure I have enough willpower. Thinking about it, I think I'll use my Glitterbug for Bows tonight. With my hair glitter. And maybe a glittery top. Yay.