Red Leicester cheese. Mmmmm I would love a Red Leicester toastie right now. I haven't bought proper cheese for a while though because it is fattening and bad and I need to be more healthy. I have a new-found podge (well newish, it's several months old I think) which I am not liking and I put it down to eating what I feel like eating more often, and eating on campus more often - what's going on with the complete lack of anything remotely healthy for off-campusers except in South Central, which is only open till 3 and only on weekdays?! Also my not joining any exercise-related societies this year like I was going to probably hasn't helped.
I am considering swapping to Warwick Blogs - I have been browsing the site recently and the whole Warwick community thing looks rather jolly. Although... I don't know how easy it is to change the template etc - I've had enough trouble with this one - just look at the colour of my site description! It's a nasty coral colour! Also there may be implications with the URL and whether I can change it to a new blog. Will have to consult Philbertina.
Ooh the Sarah McLachlan weekend of fun tomorrow! We are going to hunt down Orlando Bloom (well, hope he comes to the concert) and try sparkly things on in Monsoon with no intention of buying them and do generally fabulous stuff! But first I must finish my essay and hand it in before 2pm tomorrow. Incidentally did you know Sonic hedgehog is a gene/protein involved in the anteroposterior (thumb - little finger) development of the vertebrate limb? It is true! Am I not the most knowledgable person you know?
I had a dream about cats and the Coliseum and ghosts. I think maybe it was The Grudge-inspired. Which, if you haven't seen it, is The Ring with no plot.
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