As you might have guessed, I have thrown caution to the wind and decided to go to Bows tonight after all. BUT I will not be drinking alcohol, oh no, I will be staying downstairs with a diet coke, so don't even think about suggesting that I come upstairs to dance - I will not be best pleased. I will be very, very sober. Actually I may just be quite sober, I can drink what alcohol I have here before I go out. But still not enough to dance. This is all part of my plan to save, save, save. I worked out I have to live on £30 a week for four weeks! But even less than that, other things like Christmas/birthday presents need to be taken into account. Oh and also I still won't be going to Nightingales. The only place I will be spending money on alcohol will be the Coliseum. Isn't the third year reduced loan fabulous?
I have had a very productive day (discounting my lecture-skiving :-S let's just gloss over that shall we). I did several things I've been putting off for a while. Hoorah and hooray. I am going to be a Science and Engineering Ambassador in schools, if I remember to fill in the application form. It sounds tres tres bon. Oh and I phoned the Open Schools Programme about working in a school for a day for experience, and they said the nearest place they could give me was Hinckley! This is 12 miles away in Leicestershire. Not good. Far away. I'll have to spend yet more money on trains. The PGCE application form costs about £12/13 to fill in and send, such a cheek - how much do they want teachers, really?! Everything costs loads of money at the minute.
Fooooooooooooooooooooooooood! Bye.
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