Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Hurrah for Top B and Christmas cheese!

Yes, I just got back from Top Banana. It was better than I thought it would be. I was a little stressed because of my essay (I have to hand it in on Friday and I have made very little progress) so I thought maybe I wouldn't enjoy it, but in the end I did. Maybe the obvious thing to do in that situation would be to avoid going and work instead, but hey it worked. It's strange how that happens, when I'm not in the mood to go out I end up enjoying it and when I am, I usually don't. It helped me to take my mind off things. Yay for that.
Oh and also I had a good Wind Orchestra rehearsal - we did a competition yesterday so the music's been serious until now, but all we have left is the Christmas concert (Friday Week 9, Leamington Town Hall, 7:30pm, you know you want to) so today's music was all Christmas cheese. Also Pirates of the Caribbean, which is also tres bon - download download download! Or buy buy buy depending on where your loyalties lie. That rhymes, hmmm. I would be a poet, if I was any good at writing poems, but I'm not.
I really don't know why I bother writing a blog - it clearly hasn't been read for many a day and the only people who occasionally read it live with me, so I already tell them anything of importance that crops up here. Well I'm not going to stop writing anyway, it gives me something to do when I'm bored/avoiding work. My lip hurts. I ran out of Rizla papers in the second half of today's Wind Orch rehearsal so I had no lip protection. Mneh. Nighty night xxx


Anonymous said...

I read your blog but I don't live with you so you have to keep it going! I have too much work as well! And did you see the Sabbs get naked on Monday? I missed it so I don't know how bad it got! Hehe.

Stu xXx

Kylie said...

No, I didn't see the Naked Sabb Extravaganza - I was in the Cooler at the time. I have heard about it though. From what I gather Carly and Andy Cox got half naked (top and bottom respectively). It seems to have worked, I think both of them got more money because of it!
I might write a new poll later I think. About vertebrate limb development or something like that... xxx