Sunday, August 08, 2004

Pointy elf shoes

It's very very sunny and hot. I really want to go somewhere. But I can't think of anywhere to go, which is why I'm on t'internet. I might settle for the museum. Yay! Will have to get a move on though. Ooh ooh ooh the Kylie Belgrave Hall Ghosthunt may be on once again! My brother went to Belgrave Hall for a walk a couple of days ago, that day when there were huge storms (muahahaha he had no coat), and he said they're selling tickets for another ghosty night for the end of September. Hurrah! But I have to wait for Laura to confirm that she can come before I can buy tickets, so there's a possibility that they'll sell out again. I have a good feeling though :-) She wants us to go off on our own at some point during the night - hmm not too sure about that. Vic Reeves did it and after about 20 secs ran back to the others cos there were scary noises :-S and before that the medium said there was a bloke called Edmund Craddock who "doesn't like womenfolk". Yeees. If I'm not there at the start of term, I may have been attacked by a misogynist ghost and left for dead, so start getting worried...