Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Ello ello ello what's all this then?

I've always wanted a blog. In fact I don't know why I haven't created one before now, but better late than never eh? So, here it is, my blog - a blog of sparkliness, a blog of fabulosity, a blog of greatness, a blog of mystery and intrigue. Won't you join me as I take you on a journey to Leicester, Coventry and beyond, and who knows, we might even be able to fit in a trip to Bob's house on the way? But beware the toast that has no ears! And also ragwort, which (I seem to remember from a Brownies trip to the botanical gardens), if touched, can cause huuuge blisters and even DEATH. At least I think that's what it was called. Well you get the idea. Hello. xxx


Wes said...

Hoorah for Kylie's blog. I'll add you to my links page :)


Anonymous said...

Hurrah! Welcome Kylie to the growing world of Warwoick bloggers, you have now been linked (not psychologically of course) to my website. I look forward to reading your blog.

Stu xXx

Kylie said...

Thank you! In answer to your comments:

Gillet - Of course i will include gnus in my adventures. I love gnus the best of all the animals, except for horses. I'm pleased to see you capitalised "Gnu" as it shows your true respect for them.

Wes - I am in the process of adding you to my links, although I doubt it will increase the range of people viewing your blog as you already know all the people in the world ;-) One day I will make you a biiiiiig piece of art to hang on the wall of your future biiiiiig mansion in Wales.

Christophe d'Irelande - I think Blogger blogs are pretty and lovely and i would change immediately if I were you :-) although i do like the "my mood" picture things you get in Live Journals.


Kylie said...

Hello Stu, sorry I hadn't seen your comment before I did my comment, I wasn't ignoring it on purpose :-D I've linked you too, as you can see. It's a lot of fun, this blogging malarkey.