I finished my essay! It wasn't very good quality but at least I finished it, and although it wasn't brilliant it was acceptable and verging on good I think. I really should learn to work harder, sooner, and maybe I won't have these mad panics to try and meet a deadline finishing up with a mediocre piece of work. Mneh. Anyway, I think I worked hard enough over the past day to earn a magazine when I go shopping tonight. Hurray! I'm free!
My keyboard is covered in glitter at the minute, and my printer, and my jeans that I dumped down by my printer the other day. I think it was from Thursday night when I applied glitter spray to my hair three times. And to my computer, and my printer, and the jeans next to my printer :-). Am I bothered about the sparkliness of my room? If you need to ask me that question you don't know me at all. I am very tired but things like glittery keyboards and the lack of essays and the thought of a lovely dinner when I am hungry enough to really appreciate it have put me in a good mood today. Oh and I went to get PGCE info from Westwood today - it took me about half an hour to find any form of civilisation there but in the end I got it - and I've been meaning to do that for weeks so it's satisfying to know that my essay wasn't the only form of productiveness that came out of today.
Well my dinner's ready now so I'm off to eat. It will be Co-op chicken with lime and coriander with a jacket potato. Said chicken product is fabulous. You don't even have to cook it! Oh and also, go and buy Gu chocolate truffle pot things, in a black box, next time you go shopping - they're about £2.50 for 2 but they're sooo worth it. Must get some tonight. Where was I? Oh yes, dinner. Must eat.
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