Saturday, October 16, 2004

Cough cough cough cough cough cough cough

I can't remember when I got this cold-progressing-to-damn-annoying-cough thing but it is still here. I think it's been at least 2 weeks. Waaah. I don't think I have anything interesting to say today actually, it's just that I noticed I haven't blogged since Tuesday and that is a long time ago. Where is this term going?! It's already the end of week 3! Madness.
People should watch more children's TV - this week I have been mostly watching Tots' TV. Plus another programme with a fabulous song about there being "many different ways to get to 20p" (different combinations of coins, you see), that was great. But you won't appreciate its genius as the tune was what made it such a brilliant and wonderful ditty - ask me to sing it to you and you will see for yourself. Actually no. I'll make an effort to sing it as often as possible in the next week or so, that way everyone will get to hear it. What day is it today? Why, it's Pancake Day! I make the best pancakes in the world, and so for people who know me Pancake Day falls on 2 dates in a 365-day period. Woohoo.