Sunday, July 18, 2004

Wooo excitement...

I am going on a ghost hunt! Providing I can get the tickets. I don't know if any of you watch Most Haunted, but I think it is very much hurrah-worthy. If you do, you may recall a celebrity version with Vic Reeves and his wife, and of course the usual Yvette Fielding, the medium Derek Acorah, etc. It was at Belgrave Hall, which is now a museum thing, in Leicester. In the middle of a seance Vic Reeves felt an urge to chase a ghost upstairs because it was taunting him, and I think they heard a few noises and saw a few orbs/strange shapes too. And the place was in the news in a big way in 1998 because they were supposed to have caught a ghost on the security camera in the gardens, although a lot of people now think it was just a leaf or something, but it was haunted before then anyway. Well, as I'm sure you've guessed, that's where my ghost hunt is going to be! They're doing an all night ghosty evening from 8pm-4am which includes a dinner at the adjacent Talbot pub (v. old, built about 11th century I think and also haunted). I'll be going with my cousin Laura and a few other people I think. If I can get the tickets. I'm sure I'll regret it on the night and want to run away, but I'm going, oh yes. Hee hee hee. I may have to have a few drinks before they get me to go in. In the unlikely event that you read this today, watch Living TV at 12:00am, the Belgrave Hall/Vic Reeves Most Haunted is being repeated.


Anonymous said...

Wow thats realy cool!

My Mum and her b/f watch Most Haunted on cable every night so I kinda see it every so often. The one you are talking about was on last night (Sunday) and it was certainly good to watch. Hope you find some friendly ghosts :P

Stu xXx