Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Ooh, yummy pizza goodness (discuss)

I am waiting for my Goodfellas four cheese pizza to cook so I can enjoy its melted-cheese-y loveliness while I watch Neighbours, hoho. May I just take this opportunity to pay homage to the wonder that is the Pizza Hut Chicken Feast (deep pan of course)? It annoys me quite a lot that there is no three cheese/chicken combo equivalent pizza in the shops, as I love it so. "Kylie, why don't you just take a four cheese pizza and sprinkle roast chicken pieces over it, thus creating a pizza of chickeny cheesy delight just like that you so adore at Pizza Hut?" I hear you cry. Well, there are three answers: 1) I can't be bothered to cut up chicken, 2) chicken is expensive and 3) it wouldn't be the same, you silly people! Also, there are those that believe in a superiority of Pizza Express over Pizza Hut - I tell them they are WRONG as the day is LONG. Pizza Express does not have a chicken feast equivalent, is more expensive and does not do deep pan pizzas. So that's that cleared up, I'm going to get my pizza out of the oven.


polynomialpal said...

Pizza Huts are grotesque places. They serve up big round piles of lard, and call them pizzas. But they are not pizzas in my eyes because they lack pizzazz (the key ingredient).
The Godfather himself would barf at the site of a Pizza Hut - as would any self-respecting godparent.
Also, who isn't afraid of those ice cream machines they have there? 'Pull the handle and marvel as it oozes...' I find it genuinely disturbing watching the children walk by carrying their ghoulish creations (chocolate sauce and jelly beans, for example). The only thing more disstressing is seeing what goes on at the salad bar. I always tell them "I wish to be seated away from the salad bar and away from the ice cream 'factory'. So I end up right next to the kitchen."

There's a reason why neither Pizza Express nor those shops that you people visit when you don't have enough money to eat out do not offer 'chicken feast' pizza; There's no such thing as a 'Chicken feast' pizza! It's just some corny idea that the cynical Pizza Hut food directors thought up because they don't have the culinary expertise to offer a full range of traditional Italian pizza recipes!
However, you are more than welcome to request this pizza the next time you visit 'Pizza Express'. That's the great thing any proper restaurants which employ Chefs; you can alter the menu items to your liking.

I was going to ask, "Kylie, why don't you just take a four cheese pizza and sprinkle roast chicken pieces over it, thus creating a pizza of chickeny cheesy delight just like that you so adore at Pizza Hut?" But you've already awnsered that in your post.