Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Hello hello

Hello, it is me.
I am hoping that the few people who read my blog have not given up on me due to my lack of internet. Anyway for those people still with me, I hope you had a magnificent and tremendous Christmas/New Year. The bad news is that the neighbour we thought was dead came back over Christmas, although so far he hasn't kept me awake with Radio Leicester like he did for the few weeks he was there at the start of last term. Ok that might all have sounded a bit mean, but I don't actually want him to die. I just want him to go away. He can stay there over the holidays when I'm not living here, but he should be elsewhere at all other times. That's not too much to ask is it?
At home in Leicester the people who run the brothel next door left for a few days, and then the police came to us to say they were monitoring the house in case they came back and changing the locks. Then the pimps and whores returned and waited in their car outside (presumably because they couldn't get in hehehe) and we rang the police, it was all very exciting like an exciting film or some other exciting thing. The brothel people left the car before the police could arrive but the next time we looked there were police cars parked outside the house and the brothel car had gone, woooh.
So in conclusion my recent experiences have been slightly bonkers.