Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The varied tastes of Cov Mansion residents

I have been procrastinating for five hours now. I'm just too tired to do any work - yes, I should have had a nap or started doing at least some work, but I didn't. So I'm going to try and do an hour or so's work and then go to bed so I can get up early in the morn. And it will work, damn it!
Now I don't have any problems with Moulin Rouge or the Phantom of the Opera, but when you are exposed to repeats of "Come What May" and the theme from the Phantom of the Opera for weeks and weeks on end two rooms away, it does make you want to set fire to butterflies and snap the necks of cuddly kittens until the pain goes away. Alex has played nothing else for months. Except a song by Betty Boop, the Star Wars theme and the most irritating noise-for-the-sake-of-noise that I cannot put into words. Please, somebody help me before I REMOVE HIS TESTICLES WITH A MACHETE.
Nighty night x