In the busy sense of the word. I have sooo many things to do this week. I am sure you are expecting me to explain. I know how much you people(/person) love to hear about me and my life and all its excitement, of which there is loads. Absolutely tons. Sometimes I think my life is just so exciting it could fill a huge container for excitement, the biggest you could buy, and it would just explode with all the excitement. So, here goes.
- Tomorrow: lectures, Xananas and Wind Orchestra concert (woohoo) followed hopefully by the Uppermost of Yellow Fruits. Busy busy busy. Like a bee (which incidentally I hate) or a very busy business child.
I am growing very fond of posting pictures. Anyway.
- Tuesday: ok nowt except lectures. Let's call it the day of suspense leading up to subsequent days of excitement. A day of subdued excitement if you will.
- Wednesday: Lectures and SSLC! I haven't been to SSLC since the 1st meeting of last term hehehe. Oh and Clarinet Choir and Octet too. I am soooo musical I think I might be a musical cockroach.
- Thursday: Lectures. Hopefully followed by the arrival of my cousin Laura, who will come to Bows and NOT the BDSM talk ;-) and stay for Ciaran's day of birth.
- Friday: My last day of Biol Sci lectures ever! And Clarinet Choir lunchtime concert at University House. And National Ciaran Day, hurrah!
Yes so in conclusion I have no time for work and will probably fail my final year project miserably. Oh well never mind eh. Socialising is far more important. Am I not the biggest party animal ever?
Hi Kylie,
You aren't quite the busiest, but you're certainly the one who parties the most, out of all the party animals. Except perhaps for me. I partied from last Monday to Friday inclusive, and I didn't go to 'Bows once during that time. I don't have quite as busy a week ahead of me, though.
You look really beautiful in that second picture. The moustache is very fetching.
I'm very upset that you won't be taking Laura to MY BDSM talk? Do you know how much work I did to arrange that talk??? NONE AT ALL!!! Jon did it all. :( But it's still my first welfare event as Welfare Officer!
Thankyou Kylie's Blog for making me feel better after my nightmare (which you can read about at MY BLOG)
I have read about your nightmare - it sounds very scary.
Laura is now coming at 12pm on Thursday to Gibbet Hill so theoretically I could take her to the BDSM talk. However, I have a feeling she would be reluctant to go :-) so I will have to talk to her about it on Thursday. Hmmm.
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