I have just spent the past hour on the Warwick Blogs website - almost all of them have the most boring of names - Bob's Blog/Rumpelstiltskin's Blog etc. I am once again considering moving to Warwick Blogs, or at least doing a sideline Warwick Blog. Hmmm.
It strikes me as un peu bizarre that there are people I know who know other people I know without me knowing that they know those people. If you know what I mean. I was just thinking about the whole "six degrees of separation" thing (i.e. there is an average of six friends-of-friends-of-friends etc between you and any other person on earth). I wonder how it differs if you take Warwick students alone. Tis tres interessant to think about. Well I think it is anyway.
Damn essays. And washing up. And having both of these to do when I am tired. And the schools I've emailed asking if I can observe their lessons who rudely haven't replied at all. Oh no and now I've missed Neighbours too. And I am incredibly bored because for some reason there is nobody here! Mneh.
Oh by the way, if anyone wants me to link to them let me know - I realise my links are very out of date :-P.
Link to me, BITCH! I sent you an email about my blog ages ago, and you never replied. The address is http://polynomialprince.blogspot.com/
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