Wednesday, February 23, 2005

A story

Once there was a tired person called Lylie. One day she was very tired and bored and just did not know what to do, so she decided to write a story about someone completely unrelated to keep herself occupied. It was snowing so she couldn't be bothered to walk away from Bibbet Lill to see if there would be any of her friends eating lunch on Lentil Kampus - it was cold and she had tried to do that before but there was never anyone there on a Wednesday. Also, she was about to get free (if disgusting) food from a meeting at Bibbet Lill which would allow money saving cunningness. "INTRIGUING!!!" she thought. Then she realised it was 12:54 and time to go to the meeting, so she signed off from Frogger, her webfrog supplier thingy, and went away until probably Friday which was her friend Rearan's birthday.
The end.

Sunday, February 20, 2005


In the busy sense of the word. I have sooo many things to do this week. I am sure you are expecting me to explain. I know how much you people(/person) love to hear about me and my life and all its excitement, of which there is loads. Absolutely tons. Sometimes I think my life is just so exciting it could fill a huge container for excitement, the biggest you could buy, and it would just explode with all the excitement. So, here goes.

  • Tomorrow: lectures, Xananas and Wind Orchestra concert (woohoo) followed hopefully by the Uppermost of Yellow Fruits. Busy busy busy. Like a bee (which incidentally I hate) or a very busy business child.

Wind Orch in France - look it's me! 2nd row back on the right. We are quite the celebrities in France

I am growing very fond of posting pictures. Anyway.
  • Tuesday: ok nowt except lectures. Let's call it the day of suspense leading up to subsequent days of excitement. A day of subdued excitement if you will.
  • Wednesday: Lectures and SSLC! I haven't been to SSLC since the 1st meeting of last term hehehe. Oh and Clarinet Choir and Octet too. I am soooo musical I think I might be a musical cockroach.

Ok so this is not the Warwick Clarinet Choir but I aspire to be the man in the hat/toupee at the back, so this picture is entirely suitable

  • Thursday: Lectures. Hopefully followed by the arrival of my cousin Laura, who will come to Bows and NOT the BDSM talk ;-) and stay for Ciaran's day of birth.

  • Friday: My last day of Biol Sci lectures ever! And Clarinet Choir lunchtime concert at University House. And National Ciaran Day, hurrah!

Yes so in conclusion I have no time for work and will probably fail my final year project miserably. Oh well never mind eh. Socialising is far more important. Am I not the biggest party animal ever?

Saturday, February 19, 2005

My insect experiences

Today I have spent some time thinking about insects. Some insects are good, and some insects are bad. Here I will detail past experiences that have led me to want to adopt some insects, and the ways in which I have terminated the lives of other insects that I consider(ed) irritating or EVIL in some way.

Ants eh? I spent a small proportion of my childhood drowning ants en masse with mon frere. This was in the days of setting up a Grand National course (buckets, washing line poles propped against a wall as fences, those were the days) in the garden on Grand National day and galloping/tripping over the various obstacles before betting all our pocket money on horses that fell at the first fence. Hmmm. Then one day I realised drowning ants was wrong, and stopped.


Why are they called this? Because they are very small fish with legs, that is why. You would think therefore that I would love this particular species of insect, but no! The only place I have ever seen a silverfish is in my bed, and fish do not belong in beds. They belong in ponds and in the sea. I have never killed a silverfish as they run very quickly but if I could i would destroy them all with tiny cotton thread nooses in a large-scale silverfish-hanging ceremony.

<Monkey avec silverfish

The friendliest beetle of them all. When I was in nursery I was doing a project on "minibeasts" and I wrote about a ladybird I saw in the post office. It was licking stamps for a lady with a genetic inability to produce saliva, how nice is that? I love ladybirds. What's that, your ladybird has died? I've got a ladybird. I don't know what I would do without my ladybird.

Ladybirds d'Amour

Bluebottles, wasps, moths and bees

Scary wasp lady

Drosophila (melanogaster)
We have a love-hate relationship. They have disgusting larvae. I will never quite forget the joy(!) of watching the larval guts explode through a microscope while pulling one apart using two pairs of forceps. However, it is the only insect I have ever been able to observe with an extra pair of legs instead of antennae (as a mutation, not in a normal fly, silly), and for that I am truly grateful.


After a dissection experiment all I can think about when the name "locust" is mentioned is the sight of an open-chested, beheaded locust still hopping on the lab bench.

Locusts d'Amour

Yay for picture posting!

So there you have it. Insects. Wahey.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Now that's what I call a birthday present...



Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Ok I'm in trouble

My project supervisor is the most evil person I've ever met! I sent her an email saying "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing this term, can you tell me what deadlines I have to meet please?" and we arranged to meet this lunchtime. She was so nasty to me! The first thing she said was:

"You ask me do you have to do anything this term? OF COURSE YOU DO! What were you thinking?"

Then I cowered in the corner like a... chicken and she proceeded to explain why I was incompetent and was going to make a terrible job on my final year project. She said:

"Are you good at using computers?"

and I said:

"Um, not sure, I'm ok I suppose."

and then she said:


and with an evil evil stare she explained how difficult the project I'd chosen was going to be. She started talking about how I had to give a report of what I was going to do by the end of this term and expressed her disgust that I hadn't "read through all the blurb we give you" when I said I didn't know anything about this. They hadn't sent me anything! The bitch! All it would have taken is to tell me what I needed to do and when by, she didn't need to completely undermine my confidence in my ability to do anything related to my degree. Because that's what she has done. Damn the Vlad! She must die! Now I will go and mope and feel useless and generally rubbish. Grrrrrrrr.

Monday, February 14, 2005


Spoons are wonderful things. They are shiny most of the time. And made of stainless steel. But the most wonderful thing about spoons is that they can be used to eat both main courses and puddings. Wonderful, marvellous spoons.

Thursday, February 10, 2005


I have been thinking a lot more recently about how I might not be here next year. It makes me very sad :-(. I really really hope I get onto the PGCE course, I'm hoping I've not left it too late, otherwise I'll have to leave you all and I don't think I could live without the friends I've made here. I don't talk about it much because it upsets me. Boo hoo, it is not a nice thought at all! Oh well, hopefully see you at Bows tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Does this work?

If so this line will start a new paragraph.

Yay and nay

I just got a phone call from Campion School (in Sydenham, damn it) saying I could do lesson observations there! For a week! Which means now I have enough soon-to-be experience to go on to apply for my PGCE at last! I've arranged to go in the first week of the easter holidays, so some of you people better be around then or I'll get very bored... But anyway, hurrah! Exclamation mark!
I don't know quite what's going on with my blog, it is evil. Anyway if you are looking for exciting discussion (and links to lesbian porn :-S) go to Carl's blog. It is sure to become a masterpiece.

Monday, February 07, 2005

The Archer's and Lemonade Song

Today in Xanana's I decided there weren't enough songs about Archer's and Lemonade. There are apparently songs about pina coladas and champagne, so I thought I'd put right the wrongs in the world by writing a song (with the help of various Xanana's people including Carl and Peter), hopefully in doing so bringing world peace. It is called "The Archer's and Lemonade Song" and is sung to the tune of "Oom Pah Pah" from "Oliver!" Here it is:

I love Archer's and lemonade
I want to include the fire brigade
If I don't then I won't get paid
Because they commissioned this song.

Arch-chers, Arch-chers, lemonade
Arch-chers, Arch-chers, Fire Brigade
Arch-chers, Arch-chers, I'm getting paid
To mention the fire brigade.

I like to stir it with a spoooon
It makes me feel I'm on the moooon
Which I shaln't compare to a balloooon
Because this is an overused cliche.


I tried to bake it in a flan
During my time as a chef in Japan
It incurred the wrath of the Emperor's gran
So I was condemned to death by cheese.


Drowning in cheese for many a week
They provided a salad of carrot and leek
When mixed with our drink the effects are unique
That's why I love Archer's and lemonade.


I think it's a Eurovision hit.

My ears hurt... really isn't fun to listen to Ciaran singing "Can't liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive if living is without yooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuu"

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The varied tastes of Cov Mansion residents

I have been procrastinating for five hours now. I'm just too tired to do any work - yes, I should have had a nap or started doing at least some work, but I didn't. So I'm going to try and do an hour or so's work and then go to bed so I can get up early in the morn. And it will work, damn it!
Now I don't have any problems with Moulin Rouge or the Phantom of the Opera, but when you are exposed to repeats of "Come What May" and the theme from the Phantom of the Opera for weeks and weeks on end two rooms away, it does make you want to set fire to butterflies and snap the necks of cuddly kittens until the pain goes away. Alex has played nothing else for months. Except a song by Betty Boop, the Star Wars theme and the most irritating noise-for-the-sake-of-noise that I cannot put into words. Please, somebody help me before I REMOVE HIS TESTICLES WITH A MACHETE.
Nighty night x

I'm feeling all philosophical...

I have just spent the past hour on the Warwick Blogs website - almost all of them have the most boring of names - Bob's Blog/Rumpelstiltskin's Blog etc. I am once again considering moving to Warwick Blogs, or at least doing a sideline Warwick Blog. Hmmm.
It strikes me as un peu bizarre that there are people I know who know other people I know without me knowing that they know those people. If you know what I mean. I was just thinking about the whole "six degrees of separation" thing (i.e. there is an average of six friends-of-friends-of-friends etc between you and any other person on earth). I wonder how it differs if you take Warwick students alone. Tis tres interessant to think about. Well I think it is anyway.
Damn essays. And washing up. And having both of these to do when I am tired. And the schools I've emailed asking if I can observe their lessons who rudely haven't replied at all. Oh no and now I've missed Neighbours too. And I am incredibly bored because for some reason there is nobody here! Mneh.
Oh by the way, if anyone wants me to link to them let me know - I realise my links are very out of date :-P.