Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Cor Blimey!

IT'S BEEN SNOWING!!!!!!! Has it snowed yet this year? I can't remember whether it has.

I've had a stressful few days what with work/finding a new job etc but I've arranged to have the next two Fridays off, so I feel slightly more hopeful today. Hurrah and things.
Most of the time I don't like my current job. However, there's the odd occasion where I feel like I'm a Crystal Maze contestant person in one of those Mystery levels - you know, the ones where you go into a little office and have to get solve a string of clues from notes posted under hats/in drawers/attached to a hidden rottweiler. There are loads of mysterious mystery folders of mystique and drawers containing several million keys scattered around my office. I had one of those moments today. I didn't find what I was looking for but it was very interesting all the same.

There was a point to this post but I can't remember what it is. Oh well.

Rice Krispies Multigrain




Yum (apparently)

I just ate several handfuls from the box in my drawer without milk and still enjoyed them. That's what skipping breakfast does to you.


Christopher D. Bate said...

Skipping breakfast makes the baby Jesus cry.