WAHEY!!! It's Christina the Wonder Pony...
...and me, the less wondrous but ever-loving pony-mother...
...in a bloody amazing little bar on Spon Street. How I have managed to avoid a whole street of cool bars after 2 1/2 years of living here is beyond my little mind. It was also Claire and Matthew Stonky's birthday house party. I had lots of punch and Dooley's and twas joyous. Merci Monsieur Stonkers et Madame Clairetta et bon anniversaire etc etc.
I have decided to launch a series of blog posts based on the letters of the alphabet. I need all the procrastinatory inspiration I can get until a new and better job comes along - Derek the Inspiration Hawk is on holiday for an indefinite period.
Numero Uno:
A is for Asparagus:
I have never had asparagus and have always wondered if I should try it. Apparently it is an aphrodisiac but I'm not so sure as it looks like a prettier version of celery to me, and celery is not something I find even remotely arousing.
A is for Aunties:
My brother with Mad Aunt Gertrude on Christmas Day
One of my aunties has an asbo but the rest are ok. Mad Aunt Gertrude especially noted for her ability to take up trousers and for household advice. And for big pants at Christmas.
A is for Alan Partridge :D
I know a cracking owl sanctuary
A is for Antennapedia (or why I chose to do Biol Sci for my degree :)) :
Legs as antennae! CRAZINESS!!!
Ah, the joys of biology...
A is for Allosaurus and Andi Peters:
Andi Peters
What a winning combination that would be.
Someone's just given me some work to do. I'm off to throttle them as I don't want to miss lunch at 1.
That post contained everything I require in a blog post AND Alan Partridge.
Thanks for bringing a much needed smile to my day which has, thus far, been of the usual low, tedious quality.
Looking forward to seeing you again
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