Spaniels + coffee = spaniel coffee
Hedges + sausages + life = dancing hedge sausages
Cows + ears = cows with too many ears
Triceratops + peas = carnage (they don't like peas)
Wolves + carpenters + wood = shelves with wolves on them
Eggs + pegs = a mess (the eggs get cracked, the pegs get all gloopy and wet - it's really not worth the bother)
Ants - ants' legs + otters' legs = monsters
Today I came to work on the bus/train/legs from Chris' house. On the way, I listened to the radio, wondered where Doncaster was, noted the worrying number of child commuters (one was reading the Metro in a businessman-like holding-newspaper pose), ate a double chocolate cookie from Millie's, queued for aaages as the FastTicket machines were broken and drew a fine picture of a nun with a twirly leg floating through space:
After work I'll be going back to Brum to show my passport to the people at a temping agency. They potentially have an interview lined up for me with BT on Friday, hurroo! In my interview I plan to wow them by begging and promising shiny things. How can it fail?
Spoon spoon.