Thursday, June 09, 2005

I hereby declare a post-exam blogging resolution

I have decided to post regularly on my blog now that my final year project (and degree, woohoo!) is over. And you'd better have started reading it again or I will be so angry that steam will start coming out of my ears, like in cartoons and such. Then you'd feel guilty. And perhaps a little scared.

Here is a poem I have written about the evils of marzipan:


You have a squidgy texture, and are usually a creamy yellow colour.
But worst of all, you are MARZIPAN,
Which means you taste of almonds.

Almonds are the worst of all the nuts
I really think they spoil the huts
Of people who live in such abodes
And like to make Batternbergs loads and loads

See how it taunts

Marzipan, marzipan, woo woo woo.
Very much like almonds' poo,
Which is a bad thing, don't you knoo?

I hate you.

I do hope you like it. I may write more poems about my hatred of certain foods - I think I have a lot of experiences to draw from.


polynomialpal said...

I can't say that I don't like marzipan, but yours' is an excellent piece of writing on the subject.

Does this mean that you don't like Amaretto either?

Kylie said...


Anonymous said...

you're shit

Kylie said...

Ah, but so is marzipan.

Anonymous said...

This made my day!