Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Pre-dinner post

I finished my essay! It wasn't very good quality but at least I finished it, and although it wasn't brilliant it was acceptable and verging on good I think. I really should learn to work harder, sooner, and maybe I won't have these mad panics to try and meet a deadline finishing up with a mediocre piece of work. Mneh. Anyway, I think I worked hard enough over the past day to earn a magazine when I go shopping tonight. Hurray! I'm free!
My keyboard is covered in glitter at the minute, and my printer, and my jeans that I dumped down by my printer the other day. I think it was from Thursday night when I applied glitter spray to my hair three times. And to my computer, and my printer, and the jeans next to my printer :-). Am I bothered about the sparkliness of my room? If you need to ask me that question you don't know me at all. I am very tired but things like glittery keyboards and the lack of essays and the thought of a lovely dinner when I am hungry enough to really appreciate it have put me in a good mood today. Oh and I went to get PGCE info from Westwood today - it took me about half an hour to find any form of civilisation there but in the end I got it - and I've been meaning to do that for weeks so it's satisfying to know that my essay wasn't the only form of productiveness that came out of today.
Well my dinner's ready now so I'm off to eat. It will be Co-op chicken with lime and coriander with a jacket potato. Said chicken product is fabulous. You don't even have to cook it! Oh and also, go and buy Gu chocolate truffle pot things, in a black box, next time you go shopping - they're about £2.50 for 2 but they're sooo worth it. Must get some tonight. Where was I? Oh yes, dinner. Must eat.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Will this essay ever end?!

Probably not, if I don't do any work on it. But I'm waiting for my hair to dry, that's my excuse now, then I need to go to the shop and I'll probably be hungry by then - oh what a hectic life I lead. I don't seem to have posted for a good few days, but what you won't be aware of is that I accidentally deleted the last two posts. Hopefully I have learnt from those mistakes and this one won't be deleted too - well if you're reading this, it clearly hasn't been deleted, so hurrah!
I really am bored of the work I get for my course now. It's always on the dullest of topics - why does anyone want to know how a worm you can't even see develops from a single cell? Why don't I get to study how monkeys develop? Without the stupid acronym stuff that goes into far too much detail? The fact that I'm thinking like this makes me wonder if I'm doing the right Biology course. I think I'm not, but then there's nothing I can do about that now.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Colosseum madness

I have just returned from the Colosseum. I had to check the spelling of that. I thought there was a double letter in there somewhere, but it seems not. Anyway, it is a brilliant place with lots of... well, not really that brilliant people, except the ones I came with, but still, cheap drinks can never be frowned upon. And to get chatted up by two scallies is kind of flattering and better than nobody at all. There will be more standing on balconies I think. Yes. Hmmm I have just looked at my right arm and it looks like I have black stuff on it - don't know where that came from, maybe the bar thing of the balcony. Intriguing. My hair smells of smoke too. How annoying.
Oh yes, I saw The Passion of the Christ yesterday. It was very gory but I think it needed to be. Although I avoided looking at the screen for most of the film. I really shouldn't be posting at the minute - I may regret it in the morning. I see no spelling mistakes now, and I'm not blabbing about how much I love you all, but this may change in the morning. So I'll go to bed now I think. Nighty night xxx

Monday, October 18, 2004

Does photo posting work?

The wonderful Joseph Fiennes

Hurrah! Or not, depending whether this worked... look, it's Joseph Fiennes! Isn't he lovely? Isn't he wonderful? Now I can go to bed. Although there's still a picture of him on the sidebar, when I've deleted it from the template. Hopefully that will have magically disappeared by tomorrow - I'll have to wait and see. Oh the suspense.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Ooh I feel all Celtic and imp-like

I actually did some work today! Ok so it took me a while to get to a stage where I wrote anything out at all, but I started at about 2pm I think and finished about 5 minutes ago so that's, what, almost four hours of work? That's rather good I think. I really do think I chose the right degree, but the wrong course though - all I seem to learn about is what acronym interacts with what acronym allowing it to interact with another acronym etc etc to the point that I never really know what I'm learning about, just that I have to know it. That isn't Biology to me. That's just pointless learning. Oh well, I'm stuck with it now - hopefully whatever I do after this will involve more proper Biology like it was at A-level, rather than the molecular stuff.
Passion of the Christ tonight, wahey! Today's thinking for me was, "work for a few hours, then destress with film later, and all will be rewarding and generally well." But I've just realised we're going to see possibly the most violent and un-light (heavy, oh yes that's the word) film ever made. So, a day of thinking about deep and meaningful (except for the Biology of course :-)) stuff. Hurrah. Tomorrow better be a little less demanding brain-wise.
Phil is playing Capercaillie folky-type music downstairs. Honestly, it's like living with the Corrs! But that would be good as they are fabulous. Ah now Alex is playing Superman. It is clashing with the good folky music. We can't have that. No, we can't have that. I'm going downstairs to make dinner.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Cough cough cough cough cough cough cough

I can't remember when I got this cold-progressing-to-damn-annoying-cough thing but it is still here. I think it's been at least 2 weeks. Waaah. I don't think I have anything interesting to say today actually, it's just that I noticed I haven't blogged since Tuesday and that is a long time ago. Where is this term going?! It's already the end of week 3! Madness.
People should watch more children's TV - this week I have been mostly watching Tots' TV. Plus another programme with a fabulous song about there being "many different ways to get to 20p" (different combinations of coins, you see), that was great. But you won't appreciate its genius as the tune was what made it such a brilliant and wonderful ditty - ask me to sing it to you and you will see for yourself. Actually no. I'll make an effort to sing it as often as possible in the next week or so, that way everyone will get to hear it. What day is it today? Why, it's Pancake Day! I make the best pancakes in the world, and so for people who know me Pancake Day falls on 2 dates in a 365-day period. Woohoo.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Ode to my tutor

My tutor is a bitch. Sorry I just needed to say that. Nobody is about on campus and I have nothing else to do and I need to tell someone that. Thank you for listening :-) Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch. She loves worms, there must be something wrong with her. Yes, that's it. She is a bitch.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Reality check

You know when sometimes you think about stuff you always kind of wanted to do and have a fresh new inspiration to make sure you do it before you die, well I'm in that kind of a mood. Here's what I'm thinking about at the minute - I should:-
1. Learn to play the violin or some other instrument that lets me play folky-Riverdancy-music in little Irish pubs so people actually feel able to fully enjoy the music I'm playing. Rather than sitting still unable to even cough until the end of the piece and then clap politely and say "bravo!", or nothing at all if it's rubbish.
2. Learn to play the harp, because it always sound impressive whether you're rubbish or not. Can't remember ever having heard anyone play the harp badly.
3. Learn to improvise jazz and get a baritone sax. The musical theme to my ambitions stops here, honest.
4. Learn to dance, as in Latin and Ballroom-type stuff. I've been downloading 50s rock and roll-y songs, they should be listened to more often by people our age. It must have been cool when everyone could jive etc in those days. Incidentally, listen to "Swing, Swing, Swing" by Benny Goodman, especially the drum part by Gene Krupa, tis tres bon. I never realised I was a 60-year-old woman, hmmm.
5. Live in Edinburgh for a while! And other more distant places if I ever feel ambitious enough to leave the country.
6. Get over my extreme fear of the grapefruit-through-straw pain aspect of childbirth, create a little Kyle/Kylie and train him/her to help me with my Kylie clone army. But not for many, many, many years, obviously. Someone I know my age is already getting married, scary thought. Ok, too scary a thought, cold sweat, etc. Move on Kylie...
7. Learn to create lots of brilliant, fabulous sparkly things that people might want to buy and wear or put on their mantlepiece. Sparkly things make everyone happy. They should be scattered around hospitals.
8. Open the minds of people who are nice enough but are not nearly as open-minded as they think they are and as they should be. This is one of the reasons I am considering going into teaching. Oh and to teach people to use apostrophes properly and not to confuse, for example, the following words: your, you're, their, there. The terrible standard of spelling and grammar of kids these days makes me quite angry. Ok so I don't use perfect grammar in my blog posts and things but at least I know how to use it in a formal piece of writing.
9. Go to more live concerts, I mean of pop/rock/whatever you want to call it. I've only ever been to see Elton John. That was a bizarre and exciting experience. I want to go and see Coldplay or Keane when I have more money. I'm going to see Sarah McLachlan at the end of this term. Although I don't know who she is it will be good I'm sure.
10. Find a Joseph Fiennes clone whose main concern is not sex and who doesn't think "I can't understand why any woman would not want to pluck her eyebrows" and who isn't a sporty prejudiced Score twat. And who isn't gay. Ok so that might be difficult. Maybe not a physical clone of JF then, but who is as lovely personality-wise as JF is physically. I don't think there are many of them at Warwick...
Wow, ten, that's more than I expected. Anyway I think I'm going to watch Friends and go to bed so I can get up early and work. Bye bye my fellow Bobs, sleep well xxx

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Appointment of the "dis" variety

I have watched NYLON (I think it's supposed to be capitalised, hmm) for several weeks in a row, and it has been rather good. So imagine my disappointment to find that it has no ending! Tonight's final episode consisted of the usual to-ing and fro-ing across the Atlantic and the usual falling out/getting back together pattern, then in the last ten minutes they fell out and went to their respective homes, with a "call me" message from Edie on Micheal's home phone. Which they never showed him getting. Because he was on a bridge somewhere, pondering. And I think she was too. There was a lot of simultaneous bridge-pondering in NYLON. Anyway, nothing happened! I can understand the writers thinking "One of them moving across the Atlantic? No no no, too predictable for NYLON. Must create unpredictable ending, yes, unpredictable." but they could have killed one of them or something, not just left absolutely everything unresolved. How annoying.