My eyes are a bit buzzy due to too much XBox-playing, and in particular Oblivion-playing - I am off work, after all :) - and I'm waiting for pizza to arrive, so I'll try not to write too much.
Above is an example of such a crab, just so you can see how big and strong I am. Virtual animal cruelty is fun. I have also recently killed some West Weald bears and some goblin skirmishers, which is always nice.
Things are looking up on the job front. We've both had a couple of calls from agencies in Leicester who seem quite confident that they can find us something soon if we just drop in, which we will be doing next Friday when we're in Leicester. All I have to do is a few typing tests, provide references and show my hideous passport photo. Thank god my passport expires next year...
We've decided to take advantage of time off work and go to Alton Towers next Wednesday. If anyone fancies coming with us, I have 4 buy-one-get-one-free vouchers cluttering up my purse which I'm willing to get rid of. There are already a few of us going but we should definitely have some vouchers spare so let me or Chris know if you're interested.
Pizza time!
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