Saturday, August 02, 2008

Bloody hell!

Have I really not posted since April?!!!

I keep doing these "blinkin eck I haven't posted for ages" posts. I think my blogging is a bit like casual alcoholism, in that I lapse every once in a while and post for a few days in a row solidly, then abstain for a number of weeks. Except blogging isn't bad, it's good, so I should blog more, but I don't.


I am a little bit tipsy, but luckily when I'm tipsy/drunk I manage not to do that thing that some people do and type with loads of spelling/grammatical mistakes in their posts or messages.

UNLESS I am making loads of mistakes and don't know about it due to the alcomohol.

Since I last posted, months ago, I have done lots. I have turned 24 and been to Liverpool with Christophe to celebrate this (we went to the Cavern and it was muchos buenos:)

The Cavern (as in the Beatles' gig place), Liver-o-pool

We also saw lots of Lambananas, which are sculptures of lambs with banana-like tails distributed throughout the city as part of Liverpool's year as the city of culture:

Beatles Lambanana

We both really liked Liverpool. We will be going back soon.

Also, we've been to the Latitude festival in Suffolk. There were bands by lakes and in the woods and sheep spray-painted pink and it was generally awesome. But that's another blog post in itself. Everyone should go there if they get the chance.

I will go now. I need my sleep before a well-overdue Hilmi/Dom Wing Wah trip tomorrow.

Good morrow! x


x said...

happy belated birthday Kylie! Say hi to Chris. Take care. xx

Canary said...

Hey belated Happy Birthday! :)