Have I really not posted since April?!!!
I keep doing these "blinkin eck I haven't posted for ages" posts. I think my blogging is a bit like casual alcoholism, in that I lapse every once in a while and post for a few days in a row solidly, then abstain for a number of weeks. Except blogging isn't bad, it's good, so I should blog more, but I don't.
I am a little bit tipsy, but luckily when I'm tipsy/drunk I manage not to do that thing that some people do and type with loads of spelling/grammatical mistakes in their posts or messages.
UNLESS I am making loads of mistakes and don't know about it due to the alcomohol.
Since I last posted, months ago, I have done lots. I have turned 24 and been to Liverpool with Christophe to celebrate this (we went to the Cavern and it was muchos buenos:)

The Cavern (as in the Beatles' gig place), Liver-o-pool

Also, we've been to the Latitude festival in Suffolk. There were bands by lakes and in the woods and sheep spray-painted pink and it was generally awesome. But that's another blog post in itself. Everyone should go there if they get the chance.
I will go now. I need my sleep before a well-overdue Hilmi/Dom Wing Wah trip tomorrow.
Good morrow! x