Monday, September 29, 2008

A new blog???!?!?!!!?!?!

If you fancy having a look, I will be using a Tumblr blog from now on. It will be here and on Facebook.

I'm not sure whether this is a temporary thing or forever and ever and ever and ever. Blogger is a bit rubbish sometimes, isn't it? But then it has its advantages.

Who knows what will happen? What a metaphor for life this is.

See you soon I hope! x

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Bloody hell!

Have I really not posted since April?!!!

I keep doing these "blinkin eck I haven't posted for ages" posts. I think my blogging is a bit like casual alcoholism, in that I lapse every once in a while and post for a few days in a row solidly, then abstain for a number of weeks. Except blogging isn't bad, it's good, so I should blog more, but I don't.


I am a little bit tipsy, but luckily when I'm tipsy/drunk I manage not to do that thing that some people do and type with loads of spelling/grammatical mistakes in their posts or messages.

UNLESS I am making loads of mistakes and don't know about it due to the alcomohol.

Since I last posted, months ago, I have done lots. I have turned 24 and been to Liverpool with Christophe to celebrate this (we went to the Cavern and it was muchos buenos:)

The Cavern (as in the Beatles' gig place), Liver-o-pool

We also saw lots of Lambananas, which are sculptures of lambs with banana-like tails distributed throughout the city as part of Liverpool's year as the city of culture:

Beatles Lambanana

We both really liked Liverpool. We will be going back soon.

Also, we've been to the Latitude festival in Suffolk. There were bands by lakes and in the woods and sheep spray-painted pink and it was generally awesome. But that's another blog post in itself. Everyone should go there if they get the chance.

I will go now. I need my sleep before a well-overdue Hilmi/Dom Wing Wah trip tomorrow.

Good morrow! x

Friday, April 25, 2008

Toothy toothy teg teg

Today I went to the dentist for the first time in about 10 years. Now I'm sure that everyone in the world has been enthusiastically keeping up with my dental ponderings for the past few months. However, to recap, please see Fig. 1:

Fig. 1: Holey pain and turny pain.

Holey pain and turny pain both arrived at roughly the same time. This was about a year ago. Yes, I am that bad at going to the dentist.

Holey pain is a hole - or cavity, if you will - which I was first convinced was a seed stuck in my tooth, and which later became more holey and less seedy (so to speak) and has, in the past few months, started to hurt a lot when I eat crusty baguettes, apples and other foods that feature on denture-sticking gel adverts.

Turny pain is a wisdom tooth that started to hurt during chocolate-eating sessions. And I do have sessions. Especially with Lindor. I later discovered that turny-pain-tooth was in fact angled about 45 degrees towards the front of my mouth, which I suspected was not good.

So I went to the dentist, fully expecting at least a filling and a scary tooth extraction. I am a wimp and go a bit hysterical at the thought of a paper cut, never mind a bone being pulled out of my body.

To my delight, Mr Dentiste said I would not need an extraction! Just a filling, he said. He offered to do it there and then but I stopped him right in his tracks. "I'm not having that, Mr Dentiste,"I said-ish. Instead it will be done in a couple of weeks.





Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Why am I tired when I've just had two cans of Red Bull? I'm hoping they won't kick in just as I want to go to bed.

We were out last night at Walkabout down the road in Wolver-o-hampton city centre and I had some fake Red Bull before I went out, plus several servings of Coca Cola when I was out. I woke up an hour before my alarm was due to go off this morning and I could feel my heart beating faster than usual. At least I was relatively awake for work. Bloody work. I don't like my job at the moment. It is in Dudley after all. Nobody go to Dudley. You will be hassled by chavs and people playing shit music on mobile phones and old lady chavs who smell of wee.

All the caffeine woke me up in the middle of a very strange dream though. Someone gave me some new "bee" bubble bath, containing bees, which was meant to be invigorating due to fake stings. It wasn't supposed to hurt, but when I got into the bath I kept being stung on the left knee. The bastards had tricked me! It sleep-hurt lots. I'm thinking maybe my left knee was being eaten up by a real-life insect and this made me dream of bees.

I was stung by a wasp once in P.E. and it hurt many and lots. It was completely unprovoked. Wasps are the skinheads of the insect world.

What the hell am I writing about?!

I just felt like doing a blog. I will go now. Buzzzzzzz and that.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Egg overload

I feel like having a good old blog. I have lots to tell, but most of the stuff I can think of to write about it mundane dull monkajonk. So with my apologies here it is:

- I went to Sainsbury's today (applause please) and upon walking to the checkout with a full basket of foodstuffs, I happened upon an aisle of HALF PRICE POSH EASTER EGGS!!!!! So I bought a Green & Blacks butterscotch egg/mini egg combo for the very reasonable price of £2.50. Scrum dum chum wum wum. Nom nom nom. I bought it for me and Chris to share but it turns out he doesn't like the richness of the chocolate, so it's all mine now. I will buy him another one, I promise :).

- I have a new pair of gogglespecs......bought during an emergency no-glasses situation in London. I needed some new ones anyway. I wasn't just being extravagant. The hat is my brother's, stolen purely for the photomographing opportunity.

N.B. the following stuff is not mundane dull monkajonk. I thought of it after I wrote the first paragraph:

- In London we went out in Cayyyymden Tarn (we being me, my dad, my brother and Chris) to a pub called the World's End, which had all kinds of jolly music and was generally very cool. My dad stayed till about 11 and then we went doonstars to the club below it. We left there pretty quickly though as the dancefloor had a funny smell...

- Also also in London we did the usual sightseeing stuff and, for the second time, met Mr Dan. We went to Hamleys and ate pizza and went to one of the few remaining Fopp stores (yay) where I bought The Devil's Backbone as I liked Pan's Labyrinth when I saw it on Christmas Eve. We like Mr Dan. He understands us, does Mr Dan :).

- We bought an X-Box on Saturday! I have been playing Oblivion as a character called "Keith" who is a lady dark elf, and due to a general lack of skills where computer games are concerned, have been getting killed lots and many by many and lots of goblins and devil-type firey bastards. You get to create your own characters and I don't quite know why there are so many different settings for nose width etc. It is fun though. I think I may be a geek, deep down. Chris has been playing Dead Rising and killing zombies with chainsaws and that. We are happy with our X-Box and it is our new friend.

- Monkeys.

That is all for now. Bye bye.

Friday, March 07, 2008

I need to start blogging again. But not today :)

Friday, January 11, 2008

Kylie's gone to Iceland

I have just returned from a feast of extra thin Chicago Town pizza with wedges and beans, just like Ma makes(/puts in the oven). The pizza was 75p! That's Iceland price.

Noodles is settling in well. Noodles is the hamster by the way. Well, her full name is Noodles Luna Maguire. We can handle her and everything now! She has attempted to nibble on occasion but hasn't bitten us yet - I don't think she has it in her. She is a mischievous scamp. She wants to eat my hair but I'm having none of it, and she likes the idea of going down the back of the sofa, which we are also prohibiting. Oh, but she is the fluffiest of fluffy things and has the softest of soft fur. Oh Noodles, we do love you so.

Noodles Maguire and the Scrumptious Carrot

Action Noodles

And so, an ode to Noodles:

Noodles how we love you so
Ear that twitch and fur like snow
You are nothing like a rat
We would not let you near a cat

Hat, fat, pat, Yasser Arafat

was a poem.