Pancake, pancake, pancake
Toothpaste, toothpaste, sock
Spongecake, spongecake, spongecake
Stick of, stick of rock
Cocker, cocker spaniel
Herpes, rabies, mange
Raping ducks is clever
Kissing ducks is strange
Wobble! Wobble! Wobble!
I'm falling from a tree!
I cannot cope
This duck's anus,
It wasn't meant for me
Bang! Bang! Bang!
(Not in the sexual sense)
Broken legs and broken arms
But what's the duck's defense?
"Quack! He did it, him!"
The duck began to say
An officer was taking note,
"More backup's on its way."
Nee-nah, nee-nah, nee-nah
Handcuffs, guns and cars
There's no escaping punishment
I'm going behind bars
So what's the lesson here, good friends,
The moral to my tale?
You rape a duck
You pay the price
Of feathery betrayal
Leave the fucking things alone
For God's sake, Mary Jane
They'll rape you back, metaphorically
With ducky, fucky pain.
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