I didnae post last night so I am posting now. Look - it is a post. Yes.
It will only be short though as I am about to go shopping for new flat stuff and shiny things :) :) :).
Our new flat is very funkysome. Everyone is invited. Hurray.
We have seen a zombie print in a local shop that is soon to be the centrepiece of our living room. That's how cool our new flat is. Although I suppose it may startle people sleeping on the sofa.
I will take a picture once my camera is fixed (I think it got moisture in it from the swimming pool that was V 2007 and now it won't progress past the welcome screen) (I won't tell Curry's Digital that when I take it in today) (oh no, it was all their fault).
Anyway, I am off to eat some Weetabix from our glorious new kitchen.
Good morn!