Monday, December 25, 2006

La la la la la la la la lalalalalaaaa la laa laa laaaaaa

--> That was my rendition of "Deck the Halls", the popular Christmas ditty. I do hope you enjoyed it. I have been rehearsing all day.

Yes anyway. So, tis Christmas and that. WOOOOOOOOOOOO! I have had several thousand presents (divided by 100 = 10s of presents) and they were all very nice. Well, I say all. I had the usual big pants from my aunt but they are always useful for... well, dusters... hmm... But she also bought me some rather wondrous fluffy multicoloured socks. I like fluffy socks. They are fluffy.

I also got an IPod, loads of Ruby and Millie make up, some Eddie Izzard (a DVD, not a physical chunk of the man himself), a few CDs, clothes, some Kylie perfume (oh, my parents are hilarious, but it does smell nice) and other stuff of immense joy. Yay! I love Christmas! I have taken many photos of pigs in blankets (not literally), my outstanding table laying skills and Jesus and Jesus in various poses. I will put them on Facebook and maybe Blogger when I have time.

I have prettified my blog! I still need to change the colours but I will do so when I have time. Which will probably be when I'm back at work. Ha. It's great having your own office with nothing to do :)

Here is a small poem/carol to keep you going:


Jesus is our friend, Jesus till the end!

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! (Repeat to fade)

Happity Christmas everyone!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I'm at work so I really shouldn't be blogging. Never mind eh? It was an accident. I blame the Evil Pink Dog staring at me from beside my monitor.

Soooo... I have a new job! I have my own little office. Here is me looking scared in said room with Evil Pink Dog staring menacingly over my shoulder:

I have gone from chatting to nice student types about their money problems and making small paper hats out of cheques to taking orders from scary lecturer blokeys and organising a conference at very short notice with no conference (or other!) organisation skills whatsoever :S *shakes with fear*


Still, all the other admin people are nice and always invite me for tea and biscuits in their building. For they are in a separate building altogether and I am here on my lonesome. Weepity weep. I have my Maltesers advent calendar and Disco Jesus to keep me company though. Today's advent calendar door says "The first Malteser ball was born in 1936", which has put a worrying image in my mind of a situation with some kind of pregnant mammalian chocolate creature and a celery midwife using candy canes as forceps *whimper*. Not even chocolate can help me!

Oh listen to me babbling. I'm so very bored. Look at that man with that banana

P.S. Does anyone know how I can get the "About me"/Links etc section back to its rightful position? I know usually it ends up at the bottom if you post a picture that's too big, but I haven't! Any help would be muchos appreciated. Merci x

Thursday, December 07, 2006

My wonderful Welsh family

I didn't post much before because I only felt able to blog when I had an idea for a post in mind. This was quite a rare occurrence. Why I do not know, when you consider this little gem of an anecdote...

I have family in Rhondda, South Wales. My grandma on my mum's side of the family married a Welshman, they had seven kids and lived happily ever after on the side of a big green mountain. Well, my granddad died in 1991 but my grandma is still living happily in the same house on the side of the same big green mountain. It's a bugger to get to, particularly if you're the travel-sick-y type like me. My mum swears that you can see my grandma standing outside her house on Google Earth. Anyway my mum and one of her brothers now live in my hometown of Leicester, and her only sister lives on the banks of Inverness. They saved themselves while they could. My other four uncles still live in Wales. Let's just say that particular area seems to be something of a bad influence on its inhabitants. I'll call it the Curse of the Valleys, or the Curse of the Big Green Mountain, if you'd prefer.

Take, for instance, my Uncle Robert and his wife. I was going to write a short paragraph of explanation here but

1. I have to go to bed as I have a job interview tomorrow morning


2. THIS explains itself :D (if my mum finds out I've done this she'll go crazy. Oh well.)

God knows what I'd have turned out like if my mum had stayed on that Big Green Mountain. Heehee.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I'm back...

...with more inspiration than ever before! I have a new and wonderful muse who has inspired me to metaphorically get off my arse and start blogging again. Metaphorically, not literally, because to be honest, the fact that my boyfriend lives in a different part of the country is keeping me sitting at my computer for much longer than is healthy. What the hell, I don't care. His messages make me very happy and keep me sane. It takes a lot to keep me sane (see previous post) so he is doing very well indeed. *Pats Chris on the back and gives him a very nice biscuit*

I'm also aware that too much sanity is a very, very harmful thing. So here I go again...

The most recent job advert posted by my temping agency made me laugh for quite some time:

A radio station based in Coventry are looking to recruit 3 Promotional People to work on Saturday 6th, Monday 11th, Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th December.
1 person will be required to dress up as a Christmas Pudding and the other 2 people will act as escorts for the pudding.
You will be working as part of their Christmas competition. You will walk around Coventry town centre and members of the public will approach the pudding and tell them a joke. If the pudding laughs at the joke then the member of public will win tickets to a show.

Tis good, yes? I think so. I would make an excellent pudding. I would scare the children and make up some kind of pudding-like dance and everything. I'm a grafter, me. A big, pudding-shaped grafter.
Hmm maybe not.