You are all very strange people...
My friends would really like to call me: is buckle.
See what your friends would really like to call you today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
I nearly just drank a lit pillar candle instead of my drink - senile dementia setting in.
I really am trying to use my time productively. Which is scary seeing as my "day of work" has so far consisted of the following:
- 8:30am Alarm wakes me up. Turn off alarm "for another couple of hours."
- 10:30am Alarm wakes me up. Decide am still too tired. Turn off alarm for another hour.
- 11:30am Alarm wakes me up.
- 11:45am Get up. Think about getting ready within the next three hours or so. So can start to work, maybe even in the library (shock horror). Shower and get dressed.
- 12pm Begin to write monster pointless post on Pride forum.
- 1pm Receive text from Phlib: "Hey. Will be in the Music Centre for the next couple of hours if you wanted to practise" - immediately forget plans about work - loitering opportunity! Text Phil back to say will be there in 45 minutes.
- 2pm Get to practise rooms. Practise the bassline of music from "The Piano" for 2 hours.
- 4pm Decide left little finger has had enough of bassline. By coincidence Phlibib has also finished in practise rooms, I assume with his left hand tired of the bassline from "The Entertainer".
- 4:15pm Get to bus stop on campus. Notice a lack of buses till 4:28pm. Loiter in Xananas with FAKE BUT STILL £1.20 ORANGE JUICE grrrrrrrr.
- 4:28pm Miss bus so race on camel-back to Earlson.
- 5pm Home - Stare at computer screen for a while after having checked emails four times. Remember I have work to do. Interesting that. Stare at computer screen some more, until...
- 6pm Make dinner. McCain Pizza Fingers (cheese and ham), baked potato and beans. Yes I am a 7-year-old child.
- 6:20pm Eat dinner.
- 6:30pm Watch "Doctor Who" with Alex and Phil. Will work afterwards.
- 7:24pm Come upstairs to work. After checking emails five times. And blogging. Oh and checking is there is some way of creating an exciting new MSN name by putting "generator" into Google (which there is).
- 8pm Battle a herd of invading badgers using parsnips, their biggest enemies. N.B. This is a prediction. It is only 7:56pm.
Yes so my finals are in less than two weeks. Time to tidy my room methinks...