Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Spaniels + coffee = spaniel coffee

Hedges + sausages + life = dancing hedge sausages

Cows + ears = cows with too many ears

Triceratops + peas = carnage (they don't like peas)

Wolves + carpenters + wood = shelves with wolves on them

Eggs + pegs = a mess (the eggs get cracked, the pegs get all gloopy and wet - it's really not worth the bother)

Ants - ants' legs + otters' legs = monsters

Today I came to work on the bus/train/legs from Chris' house. On the way, I listened to the radio, wondered where Doncaster was, noted the worrying number of child commuters (one was reading the Metro in a businessman-like holding-newspaper pose), ate a double chocolate cookie from Millie's, queued for aaages as the FastTicket machines were broken and drew a fine picture of a nun with a twirly leg floating through space:

After work I'll be going back to Brum to show my passport to the people at a temping agency. They potentially have an interview lined up for me with BT on Friday, hurroo! In my interview I plan to wow them by begging and promising shiny things. How can it fail?

Spoon spoon.


Christopher D. Bate said...

Then you could go from Brum to mine...just an idea. If you're free and not busy.

Space nuns are rad.

Anonymous said...

Excellent day and excellent interview technique. I'd employ you but then I'd trust chris as a referee

- Steve (blogger won't let me sign in)

Blair said...

Im still laughing at the nun with the curly leg, genius!