Thursday, June 28, 2007

Meme, teehee

On Chloe's request, a fluffy new meme for your reading pleasure. And you will enjoy it. Oh yes. It's copy and paste time.


We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

1. Most of my favourite things are red and black and very, very sparkly.

2. I own two Jesus action figures. One has rolly feet so you can wheel him around and one has glow in the dark hands and loaves and fishes.
3. I have a habit of sporadically saying "monkey trousers", which has nothing to do with the old TV programme, which I have never seen.

4. My cousin went to school with the Sooty presenter who took over from Matthew Corbett. Now that's what I call a claim to fame.

5. As a child I used to have recurring nightmares which involved: 1. being chased by a giant Lego man and 2. being pushed down the stairs by Bully from Bullseye.

6. My obsession with the old ITV kids' show Knightmare is such that I originally spelt "nightmare" wrong in point 5.

7. I used to have a crush on Sonic the Hedgehog.

8. I clearly have issues as almost all of the above relate to my childhood :). And also because I used to have a crush on a cartoon character.


Christopher David Noodles Bate of Christopher David Noodles Bate's blog fame
Dan of Dan's blog fame

Maja of Maja's blog fame

The Grumble of The Grumble's blog fame

Bloggerwise this leaves me stuck *sob* as I am a newbie to regular bloggers, so I will continue the tagfest on Facebook...

And to finish, an air chicken Ryan Adams recital from Mistifer Christopher Bate:


DanProject76 said...

So it's 8 random facts?

That's not a meme! That's an 8 Random Facts List!

hmmm.... nice chicken.

Kylie said...

I thought a meme was just a thing with a common theme that gets passed around bloggers. Maybe I'm wrong. I usually am. I'm off to drink some alcimohol and forget about the whole confusing matter.

Christopher D. Bate said...

I sure can rock out with a chicken.

murray said...

that's one of the better air chicken performances i've seen... although it's technically not air chicken, since there is a chicken.

i will endeavour to honour your tag in due course!

Maja said...

I will do this meme now. I was too tired to face it the last few days, but now I'm better woooo!

Plus I've got two hours before I finish work for the week and I've got nothing better to do.

x said...

if you are scared of big Lego men you should never come to visit, my son's room is full of them. But then again, maybe meeting them would help ease your phobia. They are quite friendly and they stick with you.

Kylie said...

I like regular Lego men, it's just the enormous ones that scare me. I used to have a lego roadside cafe. I was a strange child.