Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Feeding carrots to monkeys

Since I last posted, I have done the following: -

a bit of Cat Yoga

a bit of bubble harrassment

received, and eaten, a lot of Lindor (woo)

visited some birthday fish at the National Sealife Centre in Birmingham with Hilmi and Dom (generous Lindor givers) - photos of the meatier fish were taken by Chris.

eaten some good old Leicester toast. Leicester being the best city in the world or, if you prefer to disagree, I will go RARGH at you

discovered a new ready made Cosmopolitan mixer in M&S (buy it! Tis only £2.50!)

taken my brother by surprise

discovered Gladys A. Mummy at the New Walk Museum

seen some birds in the Wild Space section... hur hur hur...

and admired all manner of fine art.

Except for the Picasso pottery, which was crap :)


(It was my birthday on Sunday, and I got a shiny new camera, hence the snap happiness)
(Oh and our internet is back, hurrah!)


murray said...

yay for Kylie's new post!

yay for new camera!

yay for lindt!i love it too.

i am willing to entertain the notion that Leicester is the best city in the world, as i have not been there. HOWEVER i do have to point out that in order for any city to be the BEST city it would have to be better than Melbourne, Australia, and that's not an easy thing.

that pottery IS crap.

i would be SO PISSED if a bubble landed on my screen. oooh.

i am sick as a dog, but not a healthy dog, a sick one.

Kylie said...

Hmm, well, Leicester is the home of Walker's crisps, Gary Lineker and David and Richard Attenborough (if they mean anything to you), which makes it wondrous. I went to the same school as the Attenboroughs, in that they went to a boys' school that later became my sixth form college. Woo, go me.

Ok, so maybe other cities are better. But I was born and raised there, so Leicester is cool. Oh yes.

murray said...

I grew up watching David Attenborough's nature documentaries! Since I live in the States now, I don't really see any British TV, but I'll never forget Sir David's voice.

x said...

happy birthday beautiful Kylie. I loved the Piccasso joke, hehe you are clever.
Erm, i also tagged you.

Kylie said...

Mr Grumble man - a spider just walked towards my legs so I had to put my feet up. This is irrelevant but I thought I'd tell you anyway.

Ms Chloe of Chloeland - yay! Thank you for the tag and the happy birthday and everything. Although I believe you are cleverererer than me :) I will do the meme now...